well look yourself at what Break Yelps said:
"LAWL, anyone believing the SoF and SGS profits are actually being used on this game is deluded and ignorant about how vulture capitalism works. I'll walk you through it since most of you sheeple don't understand how vulture capitalism works other than 'of course a company needs to profit1!11111!!!!!!'.
Let's start:
1) Jagex is owned 90% by Insight Vulture Partners, Spectrum, and Raine.
2) These three companies are venture (aka vulture) capitalist firms. Think Bain Capital.
3) The goal of these companies is to make quick and dirty profits by raiding and cremating the companies they take over. (see: IVP owning Nexon, Bain Capital owning multitudes of companies)
4) The model for cremating MMOs is what happened to MapleStory. (which IVP ironically owns)
5) The last 2 years (since majority stake) in terms of microtransactions have been a CARBON COPY of what happened to MapleStory.
6) Ergo, IVP is going to cremate this game in order to make more quick profits. Ergo, all decisions of this kind are made by THEM! They know the template to milk the game dry.
7) Why would they plow those profits back into a game they are just going to kill? They will just prop up the corpse like they are doing, and sell hot air and piggy lipstick.
8) The TRUE destination of those profits are Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, or Switzerland in tax shelters for Horing and the robber barons.
Privatize the profits, socialize the risk. Basic robber baron capitalism sheeple!
~ Bill "
i read it at around page 104...and so i started to think if the mods and jagex are really stupid enough to kill runescape themselves, or is there something behind it
30-Aug-2012 02:45:30