
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 5,560 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We place immense value in our - and your - game's integrity, feedback from our community"
After the chance of 200m/400m on sof and the sof convert to coins option on top of the original massive wave the original sof post recieved, I think you're bluffing with this statement.

That aside, the future graphics look good. Too bad I cba to play much let alone pay anymore.

30-Aug-2012 02:20:11

Oct Member 2020


Posts: 6,594 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mr. Gerhard:
I'm going to put this simply. I don't believe you. I was really excited for the future of the game when you took over. One of the first moves made was to remove references to the paid game from F2P; simultaneously the crassly commercial 'advertisement' of gnomecopters was also removed (though as far as I know the residua of that little enterprise may still occupy that Lumbridge pasture).
Little did I know that things would start getting oh-so-much worse.
You can't expect to succeed with doubletalk, and have people continue to trust you.
You promised that your team was ready for an influx of bots and RWT before the re-release of the Wilderness and Free Trade. Some, myself included, were skeptical of your claims. You were wrong, and we're still dealing with the aftermath nearly 2 years later; in fact, the mess has yet to even be contained, much less be under control.
You may "blame" the loss of players on the previous management and their decision to remove the Wilderness and Free Trade. But it WAS the right thing to do at the time; it was hard and gutsy move that quite frankly saved the game. And guess what? There were STILL good content updates in 2008-2010. What has happened to good content? There was still so much in the storyline yet to be developed and you've abandoned it. I despair of ever seeing one of my favorite areas, the Elf Lands, get updated even graphically, much less with new game content. I despair of ever seeing the Soul Altar for Runecrafting now that the xp-mine of Runespan is available. Your content hasn't "fixed" or "added to" the game significantly in quite some time. Instead, in my opinion, you've been ripping the heart out of it.
I would say more, but I doubt you will read our opinions anyway. Or you will treat our view with the same contempt you have before.
So, again, and simply, I've lost faith. I doubt you're going to get that back anytime soon, if ever.

30-Aug-2012 02:21:56



Posts: 446 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well. first of all im sad to hear alot of people saying they have their faith restored.
it is just a message so u keep paying more money like membership and stuff for a while longer till the game dies
also for real this message is not from mod mmg + jagex didnt choose to whrite this.. it comes from ******* ******* ********..
runescape is dieing get over it ivp... stop fooling arround taking everyone money.
this message is a total rip off from u guys since ivp bought u all u do is lies and mistakes
for real... stop lieing and admit ur game is dieing and ******
most importantly dont hide this thread because if u do.. its obvious u dont want people to read and see the truth

30-Aug-2012 02:24:58



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. SoF was "carefully thought out."
-No it wasnt
-You had people program it so that the game wouldnt follow the animation, it goes completely by chance and if you are going to get something super-rare, you wont.
-Buying SoF is a scam, for the past few days, i should have gotten super rare atleast 1/3 times ive rolled (sometimes 2/3) but you rigged it like weighted dice.
2. Massive bot removal.
-Id say that x>50% of your players currently playing at all times are bots. If 45% are members, you are charging about $8, you are making 471,600 dollars (based on a 131,000 currently playing average). If the # of bots = the # of member players, then you are making 106,110 dollars off of them (22.5%). By continueing to nuke bots, you drop your revenue every month over and over again (keep in mind that some botters use multiple accounts, so # of online people will differ).
-Bots will never leave this game, you built this game to be played spacifically by bots. For instance: long ours of left clicking every minute to restart a macro animation for a few xp, doing this over long hours, resulting in weeks and/or months of just staring at your computer screen.
3. This game isn't going downhill?
-To begin, youve resorted to pay to win tactics for your loss in revenue.
-You had to cut your team from funorb 2 years ago because you were losing so much money.
-You havent fixed the funorb "create an account" bug in forever, so new players are forced to come to this site and cannot find the create an account button.
-Your updates continue to mislead us and its making more of the real people quit.
-Your game relies soly on CPU power and not graphics cards, which slows most of everyone down.
-Your player base has dropped so far and your reputation as a company has failed so much, people hate this game.
-----RS used to be a fun game when you had good updates, but after the free trade bann, this game went down and its going down for good. Gj Guys at Jagex, way to break a perfectly good game!

30-Aug-2012 02:26:02

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 1,321 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for posting a reply to all the rants that have been posted lately.
Although it's new to RuneScape to have purchasable content, it definitely is a great way to gain funding for better game content in the future.
Supporting what you do. :)

30-Aug-2012 02:26:37



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah that post is big and fancy but it is nothing but a way to scam people of their trust. They aren't going to sell exp directly, the wheel "Indirectly" Sells exp and gold, especially with the convert to coin option.
IF you have really doubled your team Gagex (Jagex), Then answer me this:
IF you have double the team, then WHY, as of April, has the content rate plummeted hmm? April introduced buyable spins, and so began the downward spiral of actual content. Every week its SoF or SGS updates, maybe with one quest or two sprinkled in.
When mods are questioned they either don't respond or repeat a hollow answer to try and satisfy the disgruntled players. When questioned on the lack of content, a mod replied something along the lines of "SOF and SGS do not interfere with the scheduling of content, sometimes there is an off week"
One problem I have with that, First being that you have had an off 5 months if that were true. Second, that is not a true explaination of why content has been slowed down. People would probably be fine with "Most attention is being diverted to EoC at the moment" or another reason, but it continues to appear as though SoF and SGS are having mass priority over actual updates (which to me they ARE)
Just my two cents on the subject, Those mesmerized by the large wall of text will continue to say how they appreciate it, but it just wont work on me Jagex.

30-Aug-2012 02:30:04

blackphat ro
Sep Member 2023

blackphat ro

Posts: 962 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm glad that Jagex is listening to its players, but as many of the posts on this thread show, a lot of the damage has already been done. It's going to take more than a PR post from the CEO to qualm the unrest among many of RuneScape's players.
Actions speak louder than words, so I will stay tuned over the next month to see what kind of updates are introduced. I'm glad that there is a focus on addressing spambots, and I have noticed that Jagex have already reduced the amount of spambots in game for both public and private chat, and will continue to do so over the next 2 months or so.
Like any other update, I only ask that this feature is introduced into the game effectively (even if it takes a little longer), and evaluated once in place to ensure it is working as expected. In the case of bots, letting some slip through the cracks opens the pathway for many more, and I sincerely hope that Jagex can stem the tide. All in all though, I'm glad that this is now taking a higher priority in Jagex's books.
I'm not a tablet user, but I know many players have requested this in the past, so to repeat, I'm glad that Jagex is listening.

30-Aug-2012 02:34:39

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