
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Wars Wisdom
Oct Member 2017

Wars Wisdom

Posts: 1,660 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok this is something that ive noticed,if Mod MMG says that the team has doubled in size,why have i looked at jagex homepage for careers and seen 40+ jobs open and more are opening?This is something i would like to ask of the Jmods,Why are they leaving?
Most of them including Mod Poppy (who was a awesome veteran on runescape team for community) are all veteran jmods and most of the jmods i know on choob accounts are basically not talking due to contract reasons.If there is 200 people at the Jagex studio and now there are 40+ jobs opening as the weeks go by,what is going on?Something is making them leave and we dont know what it is.
Please if a Jmod could have understanding that if we could have a community and Jagex led conversation in live chats that would be awesome.
But one thing i would like to address,Mod MMG said that he wouldnt bring back the wilderness before in a actual video on your own youtube channel,and he brought it back and the game got worse.I know mod mmg more than the jmods think,if this is brought to where exp and gold and accounts are sold it will kill the game.If this is done,throw the board members and Mod MMG out of the company,NO EXCEPTIONS.
Thanks for reading.
Signed,Jedi Vortex. :)

30-Aug-2012 02:05:23



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well I have a few pieces of advice for you...
Firstly, I am currently in the dota 2 competitive scene and i know a lot about gaming, being an avid gamer myself and I play chilled out games like runescape just to relax my mind from difficult strats and precision play in dota 2
Now what I suggest is -
- SGS is actually a good way to earn money (for ur so called 'additional game pendants') and just keep the updates slow and mix and match it with the regular in-game comments. This is because it does not affect the game integrity and is purely cosmetic (Remove the bank booster, thats a wrong step you are taking)
- Now for SOF, my suggestion is you remove it, but if you guys are adamant on keeping it, make the armor or weapons limited time and instead of exp lamps, why not make them pendants? Then you still have to work to gain the exp and it is not as bad as exp lamps. Instead of lumps of gold u can place items like 2x drop rate or whatever value u deem fit, which isnt as bad as lump sums of gold..
- Havent played RS enough to know properly about the skills (only 1.2k total level) so I wont comment on that..
Otherwise if u keep up the rest of the updates it will be really good
Just my two cents,

30-Aug-2012 02:10:05



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
exactly! there's something going on with the company and someone's controlling the updates and all that.
don't leave and quit now. just DONT spend money and wait till we figure out something. some mods are leaving because of this change (downfall of runescape), and some mods are still here but probably under pressure. don't just let runescape fall! we need to correctly 'filter' the people trying to lead to runescape downfall and get them out but keep the 'good' mods (etc) here. somehow...

30-Aug-2012 02:10:59



Posts: 649 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just keep your word Jagex. As a corporation, that will gain our trust.
You can clearly attribute the current lack of trust in your company due to the lack of action against bots, RWTers, gold farmers, etc.
If you stay true to your word, I'm sure this game can thrive again.

ALSO, saying that you are listening to your players is nice, but RESPONDING PROMPTLY to them actually shows that you care. If any employee goes on the forums and checks it, maybe even putting in a positive word here and there, you give the players a reason to believe you.

30-Aug-2012 02:11:43



Posts: 3,418 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to believe this but I just can't sorry, I have to see it to believe it, and so far I'm disappointed, every time you Jagex come up with some random lecture you always go back on that word and it repeats. Also I'll be honest, no one plays runescape for it's graphics we just love the content (Micro payment content not included) and simplicity, the best thing I'd ask for is you to upgrade the servers, less lag that's all. As a player who's been playing this game for ages I'd like to ask you to please stay loyal to your customers and we will stay loyal to you.

30-Aug-2012 02:11:59 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 02:17:01 by Algebra

Jebus Kries

Jebus Kries

Posts: 86 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good game Runescape. I miss you. All those hours... Wasted... Still haven't been able to reach my Runescape goals and now since IVP failed with there investments and they are trying to make all that money and more back. Good times Runescape...

30-Aug-2012 02:18:24

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 158 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On the topics of the Squeal of Fortune and Soloman's Store..
You don't sell accounts, okay, but you sure are (in my eyes) selling XP. I know someone who bought a substancial amount of spins in order to gain solely XP in-game, disregarding any other rewards on the SoF. If you think you're not selling XP to users, you must be blind. Yes, we know, there is no 100% chance of getting a lamp every time we spin, but there are people purchasing spins in order to gain XP.
As for Soloman's store, I personally had no problem with it what-so-ever until the bank space update. Jagex, you've always said you don't want to give other players an advantage just because they have money. You're doing that. More additional bank space is a huge advantage, thus being why I now dislike Soloman's store.
I do dislike how you avoid saying you do not sell gold nor XP and refer to the term "directly" - you think basically selling gold and XP via an indirect method is fine?

30-Aug-2012 02:18:52 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 02:21:02 by NJ

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