
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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You mean like... membership?
What more should i expect as a member then the entire members part of the game???
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30-Aug-2012 14:48:57 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:49:09 by Paravant

Holy Halo
Oct Member 2022

Holy Halo

Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'If you really cared, then why do you keep adding more into the Microtransaction updates?
Why do you keep pushing it onto us?
Why have we had several, just not nearly constant "GUYS BUY MEMBERS IS SO AWESOME AND YOU GET SPINS AND CRAP!!!" events?'
(also quoted)
A temporary measure to boost the future of runescapes expantion. =)

30-Aug-2012 14:49:10



Posts: 2,572 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"...we can continue to support, develop and GROW the game for many more years to come." - Mod MMG.
Growth can mean many things, such as content, workers, and most importantly, COMMUNITY. Don't get me wrong, RuneScape is definitely succeeding in the first two; but when it comes to community, it seems that there is none.
Jagex, you MUST invest in your community. In my opinion, RuneScape has THE WORST advertising campaign of any mainstream MMO on the market today - a market that is more competitive than ever.
I've seen commercials on TV for all different types of online games. Never once have I ever seen a RuneScape commercial. I've seen a lot of ads for different games on YouTube or in a Google paid ad; but RuneScape ads are few and far between.
This game spread by word of mouth for the most part, when games of this type were unheard of. That is no longer the case, games NEED ADVERTISING. I find the player count extremely depressing (around 45-50k without bots). It makes me feel like I'm playing last year's hot game still, that I haven't moved on to a new game.
I know that with these new Micro-Transactions that more money is being made. PLEASE invest a good portion of it in advertising - it will pay for itself eventually! Yes, the Opportunity cost is quite large for a decent advertisement campaign, but in the future, it will bring you more revenue in return. It also restores Veteran's feeling of prestige when there is an influx of new players to the game.
If you're not bringing in new players, your player base is shrinking. PLEASE do some advertising!

30-Aug-2012 14:50:27

Rane Sedai

Rane Sedai

Posts: 13,780 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've decided to revisit this thread since yesterday I allowed my anger and frustration to get the better of me. Apologies if anything I said was considered mean or rude. I only write in the best interest of this game I love, just like you Jagex!
Here are my main concerns that were not addressed:
1) How is the SoF not selling gold or experience? Albeit indirectly, players can buy a random amount of gold/experience from the SoF! Please help me understand how this is not selling an advantage? It's very hard to retain the integrity of the game when players can shell out a few bucks and buy a couple 100K of gold!
2) If Jagex is not going down the road of microtransactions and selling exp/gold directly, why is it that Yelps and Solomon are constantly shoved in our face? Why is it that we have really only had about five to six actual content updates this summer while the rest have been for the SoF or Solomon? To prove my point I need not look further than the homepage. Solomon and the SoF are both on the main banner constantly! Even just two days after the release of a huge Hunter D&D, it is quickly replaced by Solomon. WHY???
3) I am very concerned the effect on the community. The community is split between those that love MTA and those that hate MTA with the rest stuck inbetween. Even in game, fierce arguments can break out. Are MTA really worth having your community split in two? I thought Jagex prized a strong community? A house divided amongst itself cannot stand and that is exactly what I see happening to the playerbase.
4) I also fear for the type of players this will attract. MTA, especially Yelps, appear childish and for lack of a better term "Facebookish". This seems like the lame sort of game you play on Facebook with spinning wheels of free stuff and buyable cosmetics. I don't find new players very attracted to this game long term at all. Instead, the buy stuff, become bored, and quit. That's not the players we want to play Runescape!

30-Aug-2012 14:52:09

Rane Sedai

Rane Sedai

Posts: 13,780 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In conclusion, I sincerely hope you take all these matters and concerns of the playerbase to heart for real this time. Think about the damage that microtranscations with benefits (SoF) can cause to a game. The damage has already begun and I know it will only get much worse if you continue down this path.
Rest assured, I will stick with this game through thick and thin because I am one of your loyal players. However, many other loyal players have already quit. The rest for the most part are grumbling and frustrated. Who do you really trust with your game -- the player who joined one year ago or someone with the five/ten year cape? I know who I would trust!
I hope this message is read by you, Jagex, and that you consider it. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Sincerely and best wishes,
~Rane Sedai (8 year veteran player on multiple accounts)

30-Aug-2012 14:52:17 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:55:50 by Rane Sedai



Posts: 23,279 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" a temporary measure" Oh yes, obviously.
Theyd never oneday remove them or make it less RWT-y at all!
Join: July 2005 | Member 1: October 2005 - February 2007 | Member 2: April 2007 - Present
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30-Aug-2012 14:53:51

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 1,035 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for telling all of us why you guys have been doing what you've been doing lately i personally am excited for the account guardian i hope its like wows account security system and with news of a bot solution is fantastic it made me so happy wakeing up to that news i hope its the primed nuke but i will just sit here and hope cause it would truly make this game a much more fun place i know you attempted to fix the hunter with the big chinchomba but its really not the same. Thank you again jagex and dont listen to these people complaing about the squeal of fortune i understand that you have to make up for the money loss in diffrent ways so just keep running this game and it looks to be a good future for all of us.

30-Aug-2012 14:59:56



Posts: 667 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thankyou MMH you have put my mind at rest with your new post, i can see a lot of thought went into it and you just proved you do listen to players!
Too all the people whining about dead content and things, i have played for almost 9 years almost have the 10 year cape, i am approaching max cape, and i can see they are trying their hardest. The game is 11 years old! there is'nt much more they can do!
But for those who cry about bad updates here are a few to look forward too,
EoC- A whole new game, more things to do and learn!
Godwars Dungeon Update- More drops being added during September for Godwars, maybe this will lure teams away from just killing Bandos and being boring Trolls.
Elven Lands Update- A WHOLE NEW AREA just because some of you are 11'ers and dont know what the hell this is, its an update that we have been waiting for patiently for years.
New Skill- Mentioned at runefest 2011, yes another skill to train, thats more hours of work and fun?
So stop your moaning, now dont get me wrong im not licking anyones anything here, i understand Jagex have their downsides, but the membership is cheap, you DONT HAVE TO BUY SPINS OR RUNECOINS! or did you not know that? i dont buy them so it does not affect me.
Thankyou MMH <3

30-Aug-2012 14:59:57

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