
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Jul Member 2007


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I find Runescape is losing the brilliant enjoyable community that it once valued, and for what. The money they gain from us members was good enough and supported the Runescape game and team for years. Nowadays it is about ways to gain more money, updates which just give them a bonus revenue, instead of looking after the communtiy, giving us enjoyable playable updates, not stores or spins ruining the game. Hosting events, playing alongside the community they claim to love and support used to be a great way for the mods to play and run the game, now it is nearly unheard I may seem like an old player clinging onto the old ways runescape was run and played, but there is a definate need for the communtiy to be reformed, with fun updates supported by the mods, not extra ways to make money.

30-Aug-2012 14:24:22 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:24:38 by Cookie00108

Joshua C

Joshua C

Posts: 451 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The fact that Mod Poppy left jagex tells me this is a load of bull. And also the fact that you've deleted the message "We don't think it's fair for people to use their in real life financial situations to benefit them in the live game as it would be an unfair advantage" from a certain FAQ upon the Steal your fortune's release.
Total Load. And you'll never see my membership again until SoF is gone. I've also never spun again since you've stated that apparently "98% of all players love this update and it's the best update you've ever implemented into the game".

30-Aug-2012 14:26:40 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:28:10 by Joshua C

Jul Member 2007


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have to absolutely agree with Fisto49 and Dakini, the hard work and enjoyment from playing the game, training skills, fighting monsters, questing, or even just community events has been almost completely lost in exchange for rich players buying a game which i can honestly say i hardly feel is worth playing anymore. Jajex used to say they worked for the players and the runescape community, nowadays they say we do things as we at Jajex see fit.
Things will get them the most money come first, whilst giving us players any spare time they have in which they are not making money for themselves and the company.

30-Aug-2012 14:31:52



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The squeal of fortune and soloman's store never bothered me until recently when you decided to add the bank boosters. I could never understand why you would limit the bank in the first place as it doesn't make sense at all. If people want to spend irl money on cosmetic, good for them, why should I moan as it doesn't affect me or change the game in a dramatic way. But when you then start to charge as much as you do for a bit of bank space it annoys me a lot.
And about that client thing. I'm not an expert by any means in this sort of thing, but could this new graphical update add to the already bad fps in certain areas? *Grand exchange, edgeville etc*. I love the graphical updates just as I will enjoy a film more if its in HD. But it seems pointless to do these updates if when you go into the 'nicer looking' areas you have to change to minimum graphics settings. From those pictures it looks awesome but is it really worth it if its going to make the existing problems worse. On the other hand if it will improve performance, bring it on!
Also on the second picture on the HTML5 picture, why is the mini-map not displaying the mini-map? If you end up having the buy access to the mini-map I will quit instantly.
For the record I'm 100% against EOC.

30-Aug-2012 14:33:33

Morbid Urge

Morbid Urge

Posts: 150 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My opinion. Don't really care one way or another about SGS or SoF. If you want the items and spins - buy 'em, if not - don't.
What I do care about is, as a paying member who DOES NOT buy spins or items from SGS I am the big loser. Reason being; Most of the recent updates seem to be geared towards these two newer features which means - I'm not getting much for my monthly membership fee.
So now I question - continue to pay my monthly fee or not. Don't make much sense to pay for updates I don't benefit from...
Hmmm wait a sec, how about you charge us for EVERY update, and we could buy the ones we want!!! Yay Runescapeville!
Anyone who played Farmville will understand the "ville" reference, for those not familiar with Farmville, they charge you $$$ for each item you wish to buy.
With that said, Zynga (the makers of Farmville) stocks are crashing and it's executives are fleeing the company like rats off a sinking ship (check the news - just google Zynga stock and see what comes up). The "charge them til they drop" philosophy is proven to fail - why take that route?

30-Aug-2012 14:34:31

Morbid Urge

Morbid Urge

Posts: 150 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The old saying is "the customer is always right".
Poll the customers and see what they want - A simple:
Keep SGS and SoF or not?
With a simple yes or no answer.
Lets let the numbers speak for themselves.

30-Aug-2012 14:44:46 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:45:14 by Morbid Urge

Holy Halo
Oct Member 2022

Holy Halo

Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-----'My opinion. Don't really care one way or another about SGS or SoF. If you want the items and spins - buy 'em, if not - don't.
What I do care about is, as a paying member who DOES NOT buy spins or items from SGS I am the big loser. Reason being; Most of the recent updates seem to be geared towards these two newer features which means - I'm not getting much for my monthly membership fee.
So now I question - continue to pay my monthly fee or not. Don't make much sense to pay for updates I don't benefit from...'------
Quoted from the above post 'Morbid Urge'.
This is the way it has become.
Thanks for shedding some light upon the games future. I hope to see more involvement with staff and players in the future as well. So it feels like a valued game, and we feel like a valued gamer.
Thanks =) and best of luck in the future.

30-Aug-2012 14:45:59



Posts: 23,279 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you really cared, then why do you keep adding more into the Microtransaction updates?
Why do you keep pushing it onto us?
Why have we had several, just not nearly constant "GUYS BUY MEMBERS IS SO AWESOME AND YOU GET SPINS AND CRAP!!!" events?
You have the least amount of community support in history, and you continue to act like those who disagree simply don't matter.
Join: July 2005 | Member 1: October 2005 - February 2007 | Member 2: April 2007 - Present
World Guardian
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30-Aug-2012 14:46:48 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:48:19 by Paravant

Holy Halo
Oct Member 2022

Holy Halo

Posts: 1,052 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
----The old saying is "the customer is always right".
Poll the customers and see what they want - A simple:
Keep SGS and SoF or not?
With a simple yes or no answer.
Lets let the numbers speak for themselves. ----
(Also quoted)
I understand your point here but, as they explained it generates some revenue or somewhat to help provide a good future for runescape.
I dont agree with them being removed now. But.. I do agree that members deserve a little more valuable content for their monthly subs.

30-Aug-2012 14:47:36

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