I find Runescape is losing the brilliant enjoyable community that it once valued, and for what. The money they gain from us members was good enough and supported the Runescape game and team for years. Nowadays it is about ways to gain more money, updates which just give them a bonus revenue, instead of looking after the communtiy, giving us enjoyable playable updates, not stores or spins ruining the game. Hosting events, playing alongside the community they claim to love and support used to be a great way for the mods to play and run the game, now it is nearly unheard I may seem like an old player clinging onto the old ways runescape was run and played, but there is a definate need for the communtiy to be reformed, with fun updates supported by the mods, not extra ways to make money.
30-Aug-2012 14:24:22
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30-Aug-2012 14:24:38