Absolute rubbish! "were not working down that road". Introducing the SOF, where we give tons of free xp away to our non members, and even more if you pay us! How about we let you buy spins! More free xp in exchange for your cash! Lets not mention the influx of free in game cash which has ruined the prices of items becuase of all the extra cash. Then we move onto the solomans store. Come, buy credits in our store in exchange for items to be better in our game, on top of our normal charges! How about over the next two months we give away one million free xp, but only if you pay us a whole two months membership without stopping!
The absolute rubbish in recent updates for the last few months is destorying this game. Jajex has walked that road, and now have reached the end, and what do they gain? Extra money in exchange for free items, ultimate powers and free xp! When i became a member years ago Jajex stood for a cheap enjoyable community based game. Now i can't even say what they are. The closest i come is money grabbing people caring about the cash, who have forgotten what it is too truly run a MMORPG that has a free and paying enjoyable community playing side by side on a loved game.
30-Aug-2012 14:14:58
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30-Aug-2012 14:25:48