
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm really sick of people complaining about Solomon's and SOF. If you don't like it, don't use it, or just quit outright and find another game to play. It is Jagex's choice on what they want to put into Runescape because it is THEIR GAME. Not ours. Think of it this way, every update that has ever resulted in protest from the community has been ignored. At least this post from MMG is telling us "we hear your complaints, but it is not going to change".
Also, do you know how much real world money someone would have to spend on SOF to gain a 99 in anything? If someone is foolish enough to do that it's their loss and doesn't effect my personal gameplay experience. Griping about it is just wasted words on your part.
Jagex set the rules and SOF is a Chance to gain xp or a number of many other things. It is not real world trading. Real world trading is someone using their real money for someone else's items in order to save time collecting or save in game money. SOF is so vague in this aspect that it is ridiculous to consider it similar in any way.
That's just my opinion and I know other people disagree, but I truly believe it WILL NOT CHANGE. Either adapt or quit.

30-Aug-2012 14:05:55

Jul Member 2007


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Absolute rubbish! "were not working down that road". Introducing the SOF, where we give tons of free xp away to our non members, and even more if you pay us! How about we let you buy spins! More free xp in exchange for your cash! Lets not mention the influx of free in game cash which has ruined the prices of items becuase of all the extra cash. Then we move onto the solomans store. Come, buy credits in our store in exchange for items to be better in our game, on top of our normal charges! How about over the next two months we give away one million free xp, but only if you pay us a whole two months membership without stopping!
The absolute rubbish in recent updates for the last few months is destorying this game. Jajex has walked that road, and now have reached the end, and what do they gain? Extra money in exchange for free items, ultimate powers and free xp! When i became a member years ago Jajex stood for a cheap enjoyable community based game. Now i can't even say what they are. The closest i come is money grabbing people caring about the cash, who have forgotten what it is too truly run a MMORPG that has a free and paying enjoyable community playing side by side on a loved game.

30-Aug-2012 14:14:58 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:25:48 by Cookie00108



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You could not be more wrong, sir Kore Seven.
The reason why I am complaining about SOF and Solomon's General Store is because they're ruining the RuneScape experience. Questing, monster-killing, and exploring were pieces of a RuneScape that no longer exists. The new RuneScape is a lot higher detail, but is now plagued with players that dislike the game because of recent updates (Combat Beta, anyone?).
The owner of Jagex has just CLEARLY stated that, while he says he cares about our opinions, he really doesn't. He said that, no matter what we do, the game will continue on JAGEX'S route for it, not the PLAYERS'. It is supposed to be our game, Kore Seven.
Jagex doesn't JUST want RuneScape anymore. They're trying to make a completely different game. And my fun-filled six years on this game will end if Jagex destroys this once-great MMORPG.

30-Aug-2012 14:19:41

Feb Member 2018


Posts: 1,447 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
does this mean that we may have some spins for quests complete before the squeel came to be. giving us older players who are here and still kicking a chance to have a few spins for the work we put in back then since people now who do the same quests get spins?

30-Aug-2012 14:20:34

Julio b4

Julio b4

Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although I'm not really in favor of about EoC, I am really looking forward on the removal of the bots with the update to come. If it does happen, Overlooking the current Micro - Payments is possible .. I just hope this works, and hopefully no more Micro - Payments are introduced in the future.

30-Aug-2012 14:21:51

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 898 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The fact is that sof has already destroyed the integrity of the hiscores and legitimate competition. I've been training rc, so have been watching the hiscores. Two people, at least, have bought ranks in the top 22 in Runecrafting. It was more than obvious.... One player in particular got over 8.8 mill xp in one day which is impossible any other way than buying xp lamps. She had more millions spread out all over the rest of her skills. This was just the last in a series of similar days. She and the other player buying spins passed an honest and veteran player who is maxed out and refused to buy spins. He lost his place in the top 22 because of that. SO DON'T TRY AND TELL ME THE SOF IS NOT AFFECTING GAMEPLAY. It has made the hiscores NO INDICATION of hard work. Hell, now rich snots can sleep 10 hours a night, spend all day somewhere else and pass a guy who has trained 24 hours straight believing hard work has rewards.... Not anymore. YOU BETTER TAKE A LONG HARD LOOK, BECAUSE THIS IS A GAME DESTROYER.

30-Aug-2012 14:23:59 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 14:35:52 by Dakini

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