
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We do not know when players buy their levels and xp? lol wth?
Course not!!! Like we did not know when they came out of pest control fresh maxed combat and did not know the way from lum to varrock lol.
Really get the idea of community these mods lol. Don't you know what life is like for people who take their heads out of their bums and look around and take an interest in others? Ofc they don't.

30-Aug-2012 13:50:11 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 13:50:37 by [#F86JGG3L7]



Posts: 200 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are so many things to "comment" on lol.
#1) Ok, I took a brief look at the java vs. HTML5 and there are qualities in both. Yes, there is the "depth" in the HTML5 but the "mist" in the distance of java may be more "realistic" in some instances. That’s just one thing but until I take some computer courses related to that subject, I'll leave it at that.
#2) I understand "mostly" with the need of micro money and the introduction of "sof and Solomon’s" to help out in that area. I see that like always there is a need for "bank space" but not everyone has expendable income! Not every "member" can afford to pay for it and it might be a nice gesture to "update" us with say 50 more spaces until the loyalty shop can provide it. I know this may sound counter productive from a business point of view but as a businessperson, I know that "word of mouth" can be very important!
Jest a thought.
That’s all for now... There's too much I would need to say that I don't feel (security wise) comfortable saying in an open forum. I'm toying with the idea of calling you long distance on those "items" but I don't know how open you are to such a call?

30-Aug-2012 13:52:16

Pkei Tua Mae
Nov Member 2023

Pkei Tua Mae

Posts: 144 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If we had less of these reckless greed players and more of the ones that played for the fun of it, jagex would never introduce this kinda of content and would still work on decent content, we asked for most of the updates we now rant on.
Grand exchange/make x/bonus xp weekends/grind-less methods
We got lazy and in the process jagex provided us what we asked for, now we rant and riot on it.
i just miss the quests we used to get each month and more of that good old content,but i cant blame jagex for the way the game is going to.
We asked for it and jagex listened.

30-Aug-2012 13:56:00



Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Although I laughed my ass of while reading that news, I will reply seriously.
'Our determination to make RuneScape the world's #1 free browser game has not changed either, as some have claimed.'
If so, why are almost all updates P2P only? Okay, Squeal of Fortune wasn't p2p only. But that's a bad update, and all good prizes are P2P. And Solomon's store? Bad update too, and P2P have 10% discount.
Come on. Although I'm not F2P, I would love to see some F2P content. Maybe a new quest, an experienced one? :)

30-Aug-2012 14:00:42

Jan Member 2005


Posts: 1,068 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Over the past 11 years, Jagex has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to the improvement of Runescape. Their continuous improvement to the game’s content, playability, and technical capabilities has been commendable.
However with the introduction of microtransactions through SoF and SGS, Jagex has lost their way. They have sacrificed the game’s integrity to such an extent that it was necessary for them to rewrite their foundational rules regarding how players should progress through the game. They have undermined the game’s medieval setting and lore by flooding its environment with unrelated content. They have “looked at and listened to” the community’s feedback but have DONE nothing to address the concerns.
The sacrifice of integrity, undermining of content, and alienation of the community is too high of a price to pay for future progress.
Jagex, I say to you what I say to every level 100+ player who begs at the GE. “Dig deep. Find some pride. Remember and return to what truly made you great.”
Never uses treasure hunter keys. Never buys runecoins or bonds. Never pays extra for 'Premier' status or passes. Never will.

30-Aug-2012 14:03:51

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