Over the past 11 years, Jagex has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to the improvement of Runescape. Their continuous improvement to the game’s content, playability, and technical capabilities has been commendable.
However with the introduction of microtransactions through SoF and SGS, Jagex has lost their way. They have sacrificed the game’s integrity to such an extent that it was necessary for them to rewrite their foundational rules regarding how players should progress through the game. They have undermined the game’s medieval setting and lore by flooding its environment with unrelated content. They have “looked at and listened to” the community’s feedback but have DONE nothing to address the concerns.
The sacrifice of integrity, undermining of content, and alienation of the community is too high of a price to pay for future progress.
Jagex, I say to you what I say to every level 100+ player who begs at the GE. “Dig deep. Find some pride. Remember and return to what truly made you great.”
Never uses treasure hunter keys. Never buys runecoins or bonds. Never pays extra for 'Premier' status or passes. Never will.
30-Aug-2012 14:03:51