
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Incidentally, for anyone reading this: DO NOT post a thread specifically directed at IVP countless people before you have done this and EVERY SINGLE one has been locked, had the posts hidden or deleted and most of the time the poster was temp banned as well.

30-Aug-2012 23:23:19



Posts: 73 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Unfortunately I am not. I will post the quick find here, the top post only contained what I posted on this thread, and nothing else.
for all those interested you can view my post on page 113, under the name 'drunk boi' I have since been temp banned on the forums for what I said.
QFC for my locked thread:

30-Aug-2012 23:26:34 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 23:28:01 by WizzleNizzle



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So, despite the fact these shareholders are having a direct impact on the game I've played for the past 8 years, despite they're making decisions that are directly impacting ME, THE CUSTOMER, I'm not allowed to even talk about them or ask why?
Unbelievable. Disgusting business practice. Absolutely deplorable.

30-Aug-2012 23:26:35

deadmau5 07
Dec Member 2023

deadmau5 07

Posts: 5,274 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Don't blame MMG, and don't blame Jagex" -Drunken boi (spelling idgaf)
well, I can easily blame IVP, MMG, and Jagex.
I have set my vote to all three.
<---- notice something missing? MOST of you have it.
It is a one time vote. Once you vote, you are done. Your voice will be unheard.
Silence can be deafening.
a.k.a. -stop paying and IVP themselves will allow Jagex to take control :) go play some black ops for a few months. Black ops 2?
Go pirate sony vegas pro 11 and make videos from that giant collection of raw footage you have saved up from these 12 years xD
Join a sports team in your area. They have them for all ages :D I promise!
The time is out of joint
O cursèd spite

30-Aug-2012 23:27:47



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Speculation has no place on the RSOF"
So, then why is there a section specifically devoted to FUTURE UPDATES?
My membership expires in 11 days. I will NOT be renewing it. I suggest you all do the same.

30-Aug-2012 23:28:02 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 23:30:32 by Fournaridis

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you saw Drunken Boi's post before it was deleted then you'll also realize that not only can you not take to them; you can't even speak their name or the name of their members without being silenced. May be a rather poor analogy but whenever i see this i can't help but think of Harry Potter. It would seem the Death Eaters have taken over Jagex.

30-Aug-2012 23:28:48

deadmau5 07
Dec Member 2023

deadmau5 07

Posts: 5,274 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vote with your wallet :D Pay = support.
edit: yay :D good luck in 9 days <3
mine ended 7 days ago i believe. Posted on forums twice since then, besides that I haven't touched Jagex content.
The time is out of joint
O cursèd spite

30-Aug-2012 23:31:07 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 23:32:37 by deadmau5 07



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And, I intend to do exactly that. Take note of how long I've been a customer, too. Also, Drunken Boi - I am going to make it my missions to copy and paste everything you have said on EVERY OTHER NON-OFFICIAL RUNESCAPE forum.
They don't want us talking about it here, so I will make it a point to talk about it everywhere else I possibly can.

30-Aug-2012 23:33:01

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