I previously stated that this is a step in the right direction. It still if ofcourse; more talk with your community is always a good thing. Still, most if not all if the things Mod MMG pointed out can easilly be shot down completely. And not just by random trolls, real, foolproof arguments. This is sad.
It feels like everything is being done to hold up some kind of "everything is fine and well" facade behind fake smiles and empty gestures. I personally dont like that feeling. I feel that it devalues, well, everything. As others have pointed out, things have gone downhill for quite some time now. In spite of this threads attempts to show a message of hope and that you care about your playerbase, not counting the hollow words, you release a massive spin boost the very next day. How does that not undermine everything you just said? It, grudgingly, makes sense that you released it however. I mean, if you already had it planned then, well, it would in your oppinion not make any sense to delay it, but you must have realized the implications of this. You showed that what you previously said meant nothing. You practically ****** on your last post, this post, and with it, your entire fanbase.
I repeat; this is sad.
31-Aug-2012 20:25:55