One of the things I have always believed in, is that trust is something you can achieve through actions, not words, and your actions lately Jagex have only served to lose most vet's trust in you.
The squeal was probably the most important action that caused this, along with the way you tried to deal with out feedback, which sincerely was at the very least rude. You insulted our intelligence by denying people couldnt buy items/ massiveexp through it, even though there were multiple examples showing it was possible. People getting 99 slayer in a matter of hours, 99 rc and so on.
I assume the use of the word "directly" in "directly seeling gold" was appropriate, since it is a fact that people can get gold through SoF indirectly. This for us is the same as you selling gold directly in a store mind you.
Also theres the issue of the extra bank space in Solomons that you recently introduced. That also is selling gold. But now directly. You are selling an advantage, a convinience, through a store. How is this not selling gold?
Now it is a bit too late to say you actually care about your loyal players isnt it? Many have quit over SoF, now even more over EoC. Yet again, only saying you care and not actually showing it does not prove a thing. Fact is, and you even said it, on these forums we are a "vocal minority", so it really seems like anything we say here won't matter at all.
You say now that you care about the game's integrity. That you care about its loyal and old players. That you don't intend to go down the "tragic" road of micro-transactions, even though you already have with SoF and a bit of Solomons recently.
Please, if you really mean what you say, then show it with actions, rather than posting these newsletters nobody will really take into consideration for you made us lose trust in what you say.
If you really care about the game's integrity, not doing micro-transactions or your loyal players, stop being hypocrites and act rather than talk on all this.
31-Aug-2012 16:43:08