
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Posts: 450 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, been a while since i was last on the forums...
But anyway, thanks for addressing this. It is a concerning issue really. Normally it does seem to represent greed by a company, which is why i am wary of such things. Especially since Mass Effect 3, which has a whole random rewards system and i met someone who spend over 2 grand on it. Insane, i know, but its not points in favor of mirco-transactions.
Personally i have no problem with it really, but as long as the things you can get are just aesthetics. Like those bank boosters? I could really use one, but i don't really want to have to buy it. They're definitely useful for non members who have severely limited space anyway, but i hoarde so much stuff i can use all the space i can get.
But! The real issue for me is the guys who are working on the stuff for purchasing, i just wonder why they could not be working on new quests(which i love) or improvements to the game. Its your company, but stick with aesthetics for soloman's store, its a good idea.
While i'm always glad that people who are cheating to get ahead are being taken down, this is just sensible, it does hurt the game and you as a company. The new security measures sounds good, go do that. I usually bank all my expensive items simply in case i am hacked.
Personally i can't wait till the Combat beta is fully updated and optimized, all shiny and new (with fingers!) and put into the main game. It makes most fights very exciting, as opposed to one click.

31-Aug-2012 13:14:25 - Last edited on 31-Aug-2012 13:14:42 by Sol-Meggido

Nov Member 2021


Posts: 398 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would make a long passionate plea and explanation of why everyone is mad and especially me.... but.. what could would it do? I've made several forum posts,,, commented on all of your "official responses" and you all dont listen to the feedback... which as a company i respect, the only thing that motivates you is money, such is the nature of free capital. the sad aspect is you realized that instead of being the pure honest company that has a player base of mainly kids and adults who are tired of this that you can do whatever you all want to maximize income. There kids after all... they wont complain, they will just logg on buy some spins and some stuff from the store and we've made even more profit. So all in all... i had canceled my membership long ago, the only reason i still am a "member" (whatever that means today) and im living off a three month card from a friend that found it when he moved away. this hasn't convinced me to renew my membership, in fact it further discourages it. im one of those players from way back... ya know.. the players that got you here today .. those who played since the beginning (i myself shortly after release of rs2) is moving on, the difference between companies isnt just there income... its sad when they see green and they maximize that, but they lose the honest and fair background they were built on. such is life and sad this has come to a close... the only way i can contribute to say that im done dealing with yall is to quit... (which canceling membership and cutting away that 7 ish dollars is the only thing you will notice..) so too all my fellow vets out there.. it has been a fun time, and i hope you realize that the jagex and runescape we knew is over... i introduce to you rs3... thanks for the good time everyone and i hope you are pleased with all your new income and reduction of loyal (veteran) fan base
the guilt trip to make me feel bad for yalls income after banning bots? please.... you lost money from... cheaters...

31-Aug-2012 13:37:21

Apr Member 2015


Posts: 707 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game."
2 points... 1) you are already selling gold and xp via sof.. thats what the vast majority of people are using bought spins for. Don't you even know what is in your own content?
and 2.) so you must have considered and or quantified the possibillity of " directly selling gold, XP or even accounts" because otherwise you wouldn't know how much more revenue it could create.
conclusion... total flim flam and about 3 months too late.
is it any wonder these threads are full of cynisism?

31-Aug-2012 14:00:55

Molly Weazly
Jul Member 2008

Molly Weazly

Posts: 4,686 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm afraid this post by MMG seems like the tired same old dish of lies, sorry. We'll see, I guess.
To those telling the people who are against the SOF, SGS and EOC just to quit, is that really what Jagex wants? For paying members to quit? Somehow, I think not.
And a poll to see how many of us support these things would do us as much good as the 'poll' to see the return of wildy/free trade.
I've been a part of the EOC beta since it began and speaking for myself, I don't like it much. I know some do, but then why did the beta servers drop from about 10 (I don't remember exactly) to now only 1, if so many enjoy it?
There were people on the forums when the Loyalty shop was introduced that warned this was the first step to MTs and they were right. Now they warn that the indirect selling of gold/xp on SOF will lead to direct selling of in-game advantages. At every, step Jagex claims that will NEVER happen. We'll see whose right this time

31-Aug-2012 15:01:33

Wacky Farmer
Jul Member 2007

Wacky Farmer

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I've been a part of the EOC beta since it began and speaking for myself, I don't like it much. I know some do, but then why did the beta servers drop from about 10 (I don't remember exactly) to now only 1, if so many enjoy it?
welll Rs players now a days don't wanna play rs with no gain
where beta is just one big exp waste if jagex let us keep the exp we got from pvm/pvp i bet see more people in beta
as for this topic bank of exp sounds like mod just bs again
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

31-Aug-2012 16:26:45



Posts: 1,649 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One of the things I have always believed in, is that trust is something you can achieve through actions, not words, and your actions lately Jagex have only served to lose most vet's trust in you.
The squeal was probably the most important action that caused this, along with the way you tried to deal with out feedback, which sincerely was at the very least rude. You insulted our intelligence by denying people couldnt buy items/ massiveexp through it, even though there were multiple examples showing it was possible. People getting 99 slayer in a matter of hours, 99 rc and so on.
I assume the use of the word "directly" in "directly seeling gold" was appropriate, since it is a fact that people can get gold through SoF indirectly. This for us is the same as you selling gold directly in a store mind you.
Also theres the issue of the extra bank space in Solomons that you recently introduced. That also is selling gold. But now directly. You are selling an advantage, a convinience, through a store. How is this not selling gold?
Now it is a bit too late to say you actually care about your loyal players isnt it? Many have quit over SoF, now even more over EoC. Yet again, only saying you care and not actually showing it does not prove a thing. Fact is, and you even said it, on these forums we are a "vocal minority", so it really seems like anything we say here won't matter at all.
You say now that you care about the game's integrity. That you care about its loyal and old players. That you don't intend to go down the "tragic" road of micro-transactions, even though you already have with SoF and a bit of Solomons recently.
Please, if you really mean what you say, then show it with actions, rather than posting these newsletters nobody will really take into consideration for you made us lose trust in what you say.
If you really care about the game's integrity, not doing micro-transactions or your loyal players, stop being hypocrites and act rather than talk on all this.

31-Aug-2012 16:43:08



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't know what is worse. People being stupid enough to pay for "virtual" gold and "xp" or people who take advantage of people that stupid. Mod Mmg is no better than the scammers and lurers in the ge. He just does it with real money.

31-Aug-2012 17:37:17

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