
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

31-Aug-2012 11:11:42

Mar Member 2021


Posts: 5,825 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MMG what made you change your mind about MTS being nothing more than a stealth tax? You said this in 2007 I believe in an interview.

What changed your mind? Can we at least get rid of yelps, even if you can't get rid of mts altogether, at least solomon does not give in game advantage.
and yay double spins...get Mommy's cc and charge away! O_o

31-Aug-2012 11:27:50

abd al matin

abd al matin

Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thank you for this explanation. now i know that a healthy game community is very important to you. that you are working on the security of the playeraccounts, That you are working on the ant-botsystem and bot advertisements. that your focus is on the longterm and that you actually never changed your dedication, passion and that you just want a healthy game. i also understand now that the SOF and SGS are there to support the company and to be able to develop further in the future.
Really thumps up for this post!!!!
Still i have some points i would like to say.
One of the things that is being said when you are becoming member is that there is no advertisements. But now with the SOF you get spammed every day by this goblin in the middle of the screen that you still have to spin, or when you log in you see big advertisements of the sizzling summer updates, Skill Fu, or anything that is related to this SOF or SGS. Thiss is for me a big issue, it keeps away the magic when a huge advertisement blocks the rest of the screen or when you have this goblin yelling at you when you just want to play the game.
Another thing is the fact that you can get money and xp from the SOF. As eexplained it is not much, because of the chance factor, but the fact thst you can get it as a player is already bad to my opinion. I remember the days that you started as a noob walking around with some gp wondering how to make money and then finding out that you can make money by killing chickens. This kind of experience like really starting from a real noob to a rich and skilled player is long time gone, already by some other updates, like the home teleport, which makes it so easy to travel around. i remember myself working my ass of to get a high magic level to be able to teleport around. now as a noob you just activate it once, and there is no need to get a high magic lvl. it has become way too easy to get money, xp, and to teleport.

31-Aug-2012 11:28:42

Swift owns u

Swift owns u

Posts: 380 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And another poem
Tribute to bots before they die
Bots are depressing, need I drink a flaggen
Oh with these bots one cannot slay a dragon
By them I feel used
With them I can't cut yews
I was ignored when I said pardon
I realised I was at sorcerers garden
This game was once superb
Now its easy with dirt cheap herb
My friend used to be a good mate
Now he is will just automate
It was nice knowing you bots, as predictible as you were, you were always consistent.
Farewell bots.

31-Aug-2012 11:39:06

abd al matin

abd al matin

Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the visual stuff in the SOF SGS is visually awesome. It is just that some content is too much related to the game. Like the teleports, it is an awesome thing, but the fact that you can travel as a low level with a gnome copter, okey it is only visual but still, destroys the fantasy, or as a noob teleporting like superman is just strange. This stuff should be added to the Quests instead of to be a free gadget. I always get confused when i see weird things like that happening. Or take the skill fu, although funny it is also very confusing, because it looks weird to see a noob cut the tree with his leg. I would expect something like this, to learn in a quest. The costumes are fine to me, although some might be better to fit into a quest.
I am excited about the coming updates in the future

31-Aug-2012 11:54:11

Victor Marte

Victor Marte

Posts: 15,495 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Little thing here that no one noticed.
they emphasize they lost money by getting rid of bots...BUT!
They somehow DOUBLED the Jagex staff?
And remember when they posted that bots actually make them lose money?
Did they really lose money? No.

31-Aug-2012 12:34:43

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