
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 387 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If it doesn't give any advantages, why did you remove a rule from "RWT" section?
"We don’t want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
Why did you remove this rule?

03-Sep-2012 11:08:39

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i thought the squeel was gunna be gone long time ago..... and month after month more new items and junk came out for it makeing u want to purches spins.... well i think its wrong that they can get ppl to buy spins and coins now.... i mean really??? just play the game like we all use to and stop with the daily updates... i rember when RS didnt have an update for like at lest a few weeks.. i get on and new stuff every 48 hours....
take the squeel away and bring it back during the christmas time only make it funner that way... make it once a year thing... and take SGS out...i dnt know where RS is heading but its not lookin good with BETTA update that was suppose to be so awsome (BIGEST RUNESCAPE FAIL EVER!!!!!) so just keep us guessing and want*g something new... not giveing us a daily update on crap!!!!
i find myself playing old school games like diablo 2 and starcraft ( or even mario ) again cuz of all the scammer/begger/hackers in the game runescape is just not what it used to be back in 05 or 06.... well thanks for listening and i hope we can get something good by october happeing =]

03-Sep-2012 14:43:26

Rigged Shaw

Rigged Shaw

Posts: 4,460 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey yeah, just make it a side thing for holiday events. Why contradict yourselves and blatantly ignore the community. That's obviously what is going on hence the negative feedback for those of you moderators new to this. Make some requisitions at work and get these ridiculous updates out of here. We did everything on our end now it's just up to the employees of "the man".
I know business has been good but seriously just stick with Solomon's poop store or w/e the it's called. The beta had better be worth it...

03-Sep-2012 17:30:12



Posts: 476 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Crik Rat
Don't be fooled mate, Jagex does not care as much as they make it sound like. Mod MMG just needs to release a public statement every few months promising the players something (to get rid of bots, to fight RWT and gold farmers, to reassure us that the microtransactions recently added to the game will not get out of control and take over the game, etc). But when have they ever actually come through and stayed true to their word?
I do not doubt for a second that with this recent news post, Mod MMG is simply trying to save face as usual, and douse some of the flames burning with all the hate & outrage being directed at Jagex. I really want to believe what he says as well, but I am done being a gullible player that consistently misplaces trust & faith in a company that does not give a **** about us.
I will believe it when I see it.

03-Sep-2012 20:53:41

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I've spent countless hours talking to many of you in-game and on our forums both as a player and a CEO." - Mark Gerhard (Youtube: "Mark Gerhard Live Stream announced!" 00:13)
If he has spent "countless hours" as claimed, how can he have such a distorted view of people's reactions to the endless microtransactions he has introduced and continue to just answer with waffle and rhetoric?
Also, I don't think 2 posts in 6 months counts as "countless hours" in the forum as a CEO.....

04-Sep-2012 02:10:52



Posts: 476 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Kiwi
You have a good point mate. This appears to be a pattern too, which I have noticed a couple times before.
I remember when the SoF first came out and it was getting bashed left, right, and center - the community was absolutely outraged. Out of all the people strongly opposing the SoF both in-game and on the forums, there was a very small minority of people who actually liked the update (mostly noobs who enjoyed the idea of free things that they do not have to lift a finger to achieve).
It took Jagex 2 MONTHS until they finally commented on the SoF and all the extremely negative feedback they had been receiving. Mod MMG put out a news post much like this one, and his views were equally distorted about the player response to the SoF as they are to microtransactions in general now... In fact, Mod MMG was quoted as saying, "We have been reading your posts on the forums and listened to your concerns. As a result of your feedback, we implemented some changes to the way Squeal of Fortune works...". He also stated that over 90% of players were "enjoying the SoF daily".
If you were actually on the forums or discussing the topic (SoF) in-game at the time, you would know that there is NO WAY our concerns were listened to. We did not ask for the SoF to be changed, we asked for it to be removed from the game where it has no place whatsoever. The 90% figure is also grossly distorted. I am sure the majority of players spin the SoF daily while it remains in the game, as you would be an idiot to boycott the heaps of free XP and gold and get "left behind" just out of stubbornness and to prove your opposition to the SoF.
It appears a pattern is forming here: the community voices its concerns, and Jagex ignores them while putting out a news post every so often to save face and create an illusion that they are actively reading feedback, taking it to heart, and acting on it.

04-Sep-2012 18:11:02

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