
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Sir Mcloud I
Feb Member 2020

Sir Mcloud I

Posts: 1,280 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For the love of Guthix...
I am going to be VERY BLUNT here. You have been warned.
I've been playing since 2006 (claimed to be RS's golden year), and have greatly enjoyed much of what the game has to offer. I got busy from Aug 2010, and jumped back on during the winter of 2011. Since then, a lot has changed. I'm not talking about the gameplay, I'm talking about the players.
A number of you have turned into whiny little pansies who constantly complain, whether on a variety of topics or simply for the lost nostalgia. On top of that, you don't listen to what's being said by the Mods, who are on the inside on almost everything here. They know what's going on, so it's best you let them have the floor.
Unfortunately, I can't enjoy my game without coming across some self-righteous wimp who claims to boycott the game (for whatever reason), but is still paying for membership. They whine about the SOF and SGS, but what are they doing about it? They're buying the coins and the spins and cry because they can't can't win anything. It's hypocritical and it needs to STOP.
Neither the SOF nor the SGS are required to complete any quest, train any skill, or even do a fraction of the things in the game. Every update, believe it or not, is based on some sort of player input. I suggested modified armor skins a while back, and the SGS brought it into play. Now, it's not what I had in mind, but you shouldn't be too critical about something someone else did for you.
If you DO want to help, then send in reports, contribute to the ideas board, and participate in discussions with constructive criticism. Don't whine because whiners are a dime a dozen. Public Relations is a nightmare, and their work is too hard to want to deal with it.
Ask yourself: what have YOU done to help?
Sir Mcloud out.

05-Sep-2012 18:35:45



Posts: 476 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Dethal
"It's funny how people say they hate sof, yet use their spins just because others do. Just because of the annoying pop-up. Just to see how it is rigged when they don't win.
Stop complaining. I actually like sof. It gives me what, 1k xp once a day, I get the same amount in like a minute if I can be bothered to do so. It gives me a bandos chestplate, I was going to buy one but now I can use my money on something else. It's not game-breaking or anything. I still have to do things to achieve things."
A lot of people raise this issue - the fact that people speak out and oppose the SoF so greatly and claim to hate it, yet they use the daily spins that they are given for free. I am one of these so called hypocrites myself.
I have to say though, regardless of what your opinion on the SoF is, you would be completely idiotic to boycott the SoF just to make a point about how much you hate it. Why is that? Because you are one person in millions, and you not using your daily spins will not affect Jagex at all. But the main reason is because of the affect it will have on you personally - losing hundreds of millions of GP and the hundreds of thousands of XP that is obtained via spinning the SoF for free, just to try and get your point across. You will LITERALLY get left behind in the long term if you were to boycott all spins.
I would rather eliminate SoF from the game entirely and make it fair for EVERYBODY, instead of getting the free items, cash, and XP daily from the free spins. It completely devalues the concept of actually working hard to achieve something, and abolishes the sense of accomplishment you get from completing a long term goal, or earning a real reward within the game (an expensive monster drop, for example).
The SoF devalues the game for all of us, and as long as it remains ingame, it would be stupid to fall behind other players by not spinning.

05-Sep-2012 19:10:05

Faith Angel

Faith Angel

Posts: 129 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like all the feedback were actually getting from the mods but, i have seen a few post that i feel are correct, that the loylty shop feels dead is is wasted content, sure you are making available the bank spaces to us LATER, that is a small bit of thanks you give us for already being a member and paying already...everything in solomans store should have been in the loyalty shop...if anything you should have made free players pay, as a member we already have to wait months just to get something good from the loyalty shop.
And about the bot nuke, i would love to beleive it but ill have to wait too see, if it actually works...
i am very sceptical of were the game may be going still, so ill wait and see how it goes..

05-Sep-2012 20:08:58

xX Notch Xx

xX Notch Xx

Posts: 1,456 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So the pride of Runescape players deteriorates more and more as more money-making schemes are implaneted into the game.
Jagex, you never cease to disappoint me nowadays.
The game is on a irreversable decline that cannot be stopped, you may gain players temporarily from updates, but they will fall back like waves in an ocean, an ocean that is drying up.

05-Sep-2012 22:45:53



Posts: 1,831 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"although some of our decisions are not necessarily popular - they are 100% driven by the aim of building the strongest possible future for RuneScape."
This is a very vague comment. I just don't understand how by paying your in real life money to get an advantage over others in-game builds a "strongest possible future for RuneScape". Is this the cost us players have to face so that "[you] can continue to support, develop and grow the game for many more years to come"?
Even after hearing you're wonderful speech (sarcasm alert), players aren't asking you to remove SoF or Solomon's Store, they are BEGGING YOU to do it. RuneScape use to be a player driven game, where suggestions of players were heard and implemented into RuneScape. It seems like that isn't the case anymore today, where today Jagex is sending a message to their players that, we know more than you players, so still down and shut the hell up.
I do wonder whether the idea "We Pay, We Say" has been ignored.
Perhaps I'm not the only one, but when you say that you're "ensur[ing] the integrity of the game", I'd say that is complete nonsense where you as a company has stooped so low to give some players an advantage over others through the use of in real life money.

05-Sep-2012 23:58:35

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 502 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the SOF itself, a nice little boost every day. Although I can't stand the fact you can buy spins.
As Max Westy said:
'spin ->lamp-> xp
spin ->coins'
It doesn't take a genius to realise that and by saying people aren't paying for in-game xp and wealth you're purposely being ignorant.
I quite like the Solomon Store, now paying for aesthetics I don't see a problem with. It just changes your clothes and animations within reason. That's excellent.
The loyalty programme is seeming a tad useless though.

06-Sep-2012 00:23:23

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