
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 2,028 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If only i could believe this, Years ago you guys said you would never add any micro-transactions and so i wouldn't be surprised if in a few years there is buy-able Xp or coins, and before you guys tell me to read it again, Remember about what was said years ago, and you broke that promise too.

06-Sep-2012 00:39:54



Posts: 1,229 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Sir Mcloud I
- How can you know you dislike it, if you don't try it?
- Already bought an Xbox!
(I have paid the same money on membership as you! Why should I leave?)
Who enjoys anything at it's worst?
To stick by Jagex through the worst, would only be done if there is belief things will improve.
At this point in time, I am scepticle.
I think you may have missed a pretty critical point here. (or 2)
It is not wise to be so flippant.
It is also a good idea for a business to listen to the wants/expectations of the custom.
I have played Runescape longer than you.
Yes I can be very nostalgic. (but I roll with it regardless)
Yes the players have changed. I completely agree! (bots/brats/wannabe hackers/scripters/programmers)
Yes I have bought SoF spins/SGS coins.
I have nothing against SGS as the stuff is cosmetic (excluding the bankspace)
SoF is a rotten egg!
EOC should not be forced on those who really do not want it in my opinion!
The 'new Runescape' will be unplayable for me (as it currently is on beta).

Am I a whiny pansy then?
I am most probably a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, I will live life as I see fit.
Not by what others think, or by what the statistics will say.
I am not a statistic. If you want my feedback about it, just ask.
(FYI - i bought spins through curiosity/for scientific reasons. Not to support SoF.)

Jagex have released some awesome content!
Even the stuff that isn't liked, is still an awesome level of quality!
It just doesn't need forcing down my throat.
I do not like the new Runescape (generalising).
I will not pay to play it.
Different types of people play RS, all play the game differently.
What once was, is lost. Accepted.
What will be, will be regardless.
I just hope that the point poorly explained, is realised before it is too late.

06-Sep-2012 01:30:31

Elite DE4TH

Elite DE4TH

Posts: 95 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i've known that you had money problems but it wont get any better if you get people bored by spamming sof/sgs promotions instead of giving atleast a small update per week. i was also wanting to ask why you wont do anything with funorb? its a great website but needs alot of updating to make up for almost 2 years of abandonment, and if you do start working on funorb again then please post it on the rs homepage so people will know and start going there again. oh and i dont know if theres anything that can be done about it but its hard as hell to get honorable guild members instead of buying them (which i never do because they would only care about the money, not the clan).

06-Sep-2012 07:49:55



Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game. "
you claim you refuse to do it... yet you already do?
the amount of people i know that have "bought xp" via the squeel of fortune, yes i understand that its not garunteed to get any xp (past 2 days ive gotten no lamps at all from sof"
but to say that you dont sell xp when you quite clearly do is a really big mistake by a so called great company
ive always known youve had trouble running runescape properly, most likely due to the fact that none of you understand what it takes to make a mmorpg so successfull, But contradicting yourself on this kind of level? jesus christ jagex.. thats an all time low for even you.
stop posting useless updates about the sof and solomen store that nobody gives a damn about, concentrate like you did with godwars, CREATE/RECREATE OLD CONTENT, you are killing the game alot quicker than you think and your little micropayment deals arnt gunna save it unless you pull your fuinger out, and start acting like proper game developers and not a bunch of business tycoons...

06-Sep-2012 11:39:22

Tw Darkflame

Tw Darkflame

Posts: 105 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The switch to Javascript is very exciting (I hate how its all branded html5 - html is layout, javascript is the codebase). Are they using WebGL? or using cross-compiling tech like GWT to convert their Java to Javascript?
Its a pretty massive undertaking, probably the biggest native browser game ever.

06-Sep-2012 14:15:13

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