
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Telling us how many hours left till we get more spins when we log in, as well as the pop up when we log in every time if we don't use it... Being complete pigs on forums. They obviously want everyone to quit.
I don't see if you are going to do ALL that then why not just sell the xp and gold straight.
They seem to be carrying on being as aggravating as possible just to make everyone quit to raise membership costs, but I quit and paid extra for members and sof is still there, so it's not worth more money.

I think when he said he had spent countless hours on forums, he meant how much money he paid his trolls for how many hours to work on them.

04-Sep-2012 20:40:43

pepega j r
Mar Member 2023

pepega j r

Posts: 375 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We don’t want players to be able to buy their way to success in Runescape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues Runescape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in Runescape."
"We will never bring back the wilderness or free trade."

We won't start selling gold/xp/accounts.
-Things Jagex has promised us

04-Sep-2012 23:05:09

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 1,030 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Glad to see your finally doing another "Bot-Nuke". But I would like the cash-for exp/money SOF Removed. I've Known people who spent $100 in-game on Spins and won the 200m Cash...that sounds like RWT to me. Just my opinion.
Duke Needles.
Scaper Since Nov, 2001.

04-Sep-2012 23:19:32



Posts: 1,170 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Valkery5
Tho I agree with most of what you say, but to be fair -I think you have forgotten to concider the combat rework. They have put a lot of effort into that so it's not like they have been doing nothing. I have to admit tho, that I'm NOT that thrilled about the rework. But I guess it will increase the game versatility and generate new possibilities for future content.
-- Sun Exit.
You're correct. I did forget about the combat rework. The thing is though, it's not necessarily more game content. It's new game content, yes, but it's not extra; it's a replacement. As far as that goes though, it's not innovative either. It's a step in the right-wrong direction (Runescape has been in dire need of proper balancing for years, and it's one of the first things anyone with the skill set would have addressed).
There are already quite a few MMOs using this kind of combat system, and even more games. Although it seems to work out nicely, a ton of people played runescape simply for its combat being different. It was a step towards the other MMOs when they changed the damage counter system, and an even larger leap when they introduced and decided to implement this new system.
Ebb and flow.

04-Sep-2012 23:28:10

baby dogs
May Member 2022

baby dogs

Posts: 593 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm actually surprised.
You guys should really do things like this more often. Part of the reason the community disagrees with a LOT of your choices is because there's no communication between the players and the administration/ moderators.
I see you're trying to change that, and I think you guys have the right intentions.
The first Livestream was a bit of a fail and it wasn't what we were expecting, hopefully you guys will get better at it though. xD But It's the effort that we're grateful for.
Interacting with players on a personal level will HELP you a lot. Rather than just implementing updates like the squeal of fortune, WITHOUT telling us what it's for is a big mistake. We'd like to hear the straight truth;
-It was released into the game to reduce goldfarming
-It was implemented to make back lost profits
-It's in the game to benefit runescape, by adding to your profits to give you more resources to improve the game, content-wise.
Don't beat around the bush with things like this, because you can almost guarantee we'll take it the wrong way. :s
-Baby Dogs

05-Sep-2012 00:23:53 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2012 00:25:07 by baby dogs

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd feel happier if they hadn't edited out the bit between the dashes in "Over the course of the next few weeks, we will not only be launching our most comprehensive and formidable anti-bot update - which will permanently deal with all types of bots - but players will also see a significant upgrade to their accounts' security to protect against phishing and hijacking."
While I appreciate that you will never get rid of all the bots permanently, could you at least have rephrased it to something along the lines of "deal with the majority of bots" rather than take out the promise altogether.
Now it just sounds like "well, we'll ban a couple of bots to keep people happy".

(Full text of the ORIGINAL post courtesy of

05-Sep-2012 01:18:49

Plutos Wrath

Plutos Wrath

Posts: 34 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everyone is to agressive on jagex, there is no other game out there were the developers take this kinda heat all the time. I really do think they do everything for the good of the game, tho i dont agree with everything like being able ot buy money but how much is it really effecting us. Also how much money is really going into the game because of sof, the more money the get the more update they can create for us. Also there is nothign wrong with solomans store its jsut a way for us to customising.
So stop being so harsh on them.
I will be positive thanks, jagex for a cool looking update.

05-Sep-2012 01:35:28 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2012 01:41:43 by Plutos Wrath

Sheep G
Aug Member 2018

Sheep G

Posts: 85 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think when they have a bot nuke or something the bots that jagex is sure are bots should drop the nuke and the bots that are playing get killed by the nuke and players can pick up the items they have on them.
Broken Legion General

05-Sep-2012 01:46:12



Posts: 5,461 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Sirens Song...That's ultimatley what i'm getting from this. I guess I will believe this when I see it.
Remove buyable spins, the GP, and the XP items and I might be a little happier in regards to the SoF. Also, I don't want it popping up on my screen.
for Solomon, remove buyable bankspace, and buyable runecoins. In addition, make a way to obtain them in game.
Once these are met, I will probably be satisfied.
-Ascertes, Final King of Hallowvale.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.

05-Sep-2012 02:17:50

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