
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

Posts: 1,666 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear JaGex,

I want to start with a simple apology, and a gracious thanks for your long overdue Micro-transactions response. I really like the direction you guys still wish to pursue with your game, and I will be with you until the game crashes and burns.

A major qualm I still have is the "substitution" of a Squeal Wheel update or a Solomon's General Store item in place of what could be a content or even a "No-Update" week.

I would suggest, you do Solomon updates every 2 months. Make the items "fresh" and not continuously put out, as to make them "considerably" desirable ALONG WITH that week's update. The "Legitimate" players will see the lessening of of such "scams" and may actually use their RuneCoins rather than fill the forums with hate.

Squeal of Fortune needs a serious overhaul. This is a serious issue because it encourages one to choose to play the game of chance for wealth and character leveling, in exchange for training and skilling for the bread or the xp. A noticeable skill that is severely devalued by SoF is early Prayer.

I would suggest that you leave the items, and significantly lessen the amount of currency and experience on wheel. A wheel with NO lamps 75 percent of the time is better than "Common" Experience lamps. ESPECIALLY if you plan on leaving the SoF as a buyable ordeal.

Again, Many Thanks for your continued upkeep of this great game. Remember, "One drop of Kerosene can spoil the Soup."

Proud RuneScape player.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

30-Aug-2012 00:36:38 - Last edited on 01-May-2022 21:39:24 by H 1 L D A



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They introduced micro payments to make RS better, when in fact they are just making it worse and easier to play.
Runescape was unique compared to other games, now they are trying to be like other online games which is sad.
They say that directly selling gold and xp would generate more revenue than their other updates but won't do it because they think it's not good for the game... That makes me laugh but frustrated at the same time cause although they mention not doing it directly, they are in fact doing it indirectly. They are still selling gold and xp but trying to convince you they are not with their play on words.
There are so many other things they could have done rather than give others an unfair advantage in the game if they have money to blow.
I agree with banning gold sellers, but the fact is Jagex didn't do it for their community, they did it because they can't stand the thought of others profiting off their game by selling gold when they can do it themselves. So by banning gold sellers, they gain customers with money to spend on their nonsense squeals and solomon's store stuff.
So many people will never quit no matter how bad this game gets cause in doing so they are admitting to themselves that all that time and effort was a complete waste, so they keep playing to make it seem like it's worth something, that they did not make a mistake investing so much time into it. Well, I quit and I feel good about it.

30-Aug-2012 00:36:39

Lord Red
Jun Member 2005

Lord Red

Posts: 8,008 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Typical Jagex empty propaganda. It follows the formula exactly:
1. Gently bring up topic of update player base hates.
2. Offer half-assed reply devoid of logic.
3. Distract with promises of new content unrelated to the issue at hand.
You can't just tell us you're not going to go down the road of failed games that have had microtransactions. While you may not intend for this to be something that tanks the game but gives you profit in the short term, that doesn't mean it won't happen. The existence of microtransactions harms the quality of the game. That's why games with microtransactions on a large scale die--not because their developers want them to.
But what's most insulting is that you defend the introduction of microtransactions in part by reminding us that you've spent millions of dollars fighting bots and goldfarmers. You neglect to make the connection, of course, that what you really once spent millions of dollars fighting was RWT. Because RWT harms the game. Once upon a time, Jagex spent millions of dollars because it believed real-world money shouldn't be able to buy you in-game advantages.
So you've gone from spending money to fight RWT in the interest of the game's integrity to destroying the game's integrity--and your own--by introducing RWT so you can profit from it. And you've taken out the paragraph from the RWT rule you once spent millions to protect.
Using arguments y'all used to fight RWT is sickening and adds insult to injury.
And what's even more sickening is that people believe this drivel.
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."

30-Aug-2012 00:37:30 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 00:40:41 by Lord Red

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 1,165 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm glad to see the feedback, it is greatly appreciated. It's nice to have a bit more to think of as to what is going on at Jagex Hq :) I am very much looking forward to the updates that were revealed on Mod MMG's message, it will become an incredible advancement to Runescape, and will definitely strengthen it as an online game.
@Mods Is there any chance we can get a tighter timeframe on the whole HTML 5 update? You know you're driving alot of players crazy with this update right? We'd love to hear more about when we can expect that update.
Thanks for the thoughtful responses. Apologies to Mod Zach for having to take the shots from some individuals in these threads. (Thankfully he's bulletproof, from what I've heard.)
-Primal Wind

30-Aug-2012 00:38:14 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 00:38:51 by Nekromanteia

Mar Member 2021


Posts: 184 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
when you look at U.S. involvement in the UK leisure industry, the headline stories read asset stripping and a business attitude that worships profit before all other considerations. You've only got to look at U.K. soccer to see the harm this americanisation has brought.
I see a gentle, bumbling, humourous, essentially British way of gaming being sacrificed to the almighty dollar. Huge profits will be made, the books will be made to look good and the company will be sold on, just before it starts to fail.
And what is in it for those that have devoted their time and money to the game?
lets face it, mcdonaldisation of the real world has started, the burger bars will soon be in gleinor!
so in a typical british way, I'll pay my subscription, not a penny more and ignore the whole damn mess...... maybe they'll go away. :P

30-Aug-2012 00:38:17



Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They may be "Micro" to Jagex, but for these people who have a gambling addiction or just an undying passion for Runescape spend a crud load of money on this. But ya, you are buying EXP and Gold through the squeal of fortune if you buy spins so you technically already released buying gold and exp into the game, this is why so many people dislike SOF and why many others have quit. I've quit RS myself because of these majorly disliked updates. I really just want an answer from a mod on why they think they haven't introduced buying gold and exp in the game, when they clearly have!

30-Aug-2012 00:38:26



Posts: 229 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i dont care about for the sof or the general store,if it stays or goes dosent bother me one bit.
but i do care about the bots and hopefully the upcoming thanks for the post/info and cant wait for the Q&A.
be great to actualy hunt red chins again=p

30-Aug-2012 00:40:37



Posts: 563 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not putting anymore faith into this game. Since SoF started selling spins I've lost respect for Jagex, and especially because EoC is turning Runescape into World of Warscape.
Runescape used to be original, it used to be fresh. Skilling in Runescape is something that no other game, not even WoW, could compare to. The special bar made Runescape different from every other WoW spin off too. What Jagex is doing now is stripped Runescape of all of its originality, replacing their original build with rage meters, number bars, extremely large amounts of damage, and has the nerve to say that they are not like all of their competition.
The thing is though, Jagex is becoming like every other pathetic game that has followed after WoW. They have made Runecrafting and Firemaking bareable, yet neglected all of the other skills. Skills which make Runescape UNIQUE.
So Jagex, stop stripping your game of everything that makes it what it is and start focusing on real issues, not how to make more profit.

30-Aug-2012 00:42:25

Jul Member 2021


Posts: 122 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SoF and SGS shouldn't be one of your weekly Tuesday updates. Before that all happened I would always look for those usual Tuesday updates which were pretty great for the most part, but after SoF and SGS, a lot of updates were about those and related to those who would actually pay for spins and runecoins.
Also I understand the revenue from SoF and SGS goes towards support and future updates, but why spend money on the updates players don't want? Why not hold some poll about a potential update before you decide to put it in? It could save and make you guys money as well as keep players fairly content.
Great that you replied to the player's feedback, and ensuring some with future better updates

30-Aug-2012 00:44:00

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