I'm not putting anymore faith into this game. Since SoF started selling spins I've lost respect for Jagex, and especially because EoC is turning Runescape into World of Warscape.
Runescape used to be original, it used to be fresh. Skilling in Runescape is something that no other game, not even WoW, could compare to. The special bar made Runescape different from every other WoW spin off too. What Jagex is doing now is stripped Runescape of all of its originality, replacing their original build with rage meters, number bars, extremely large amounts of damage, and has the nerve to say that they are not like all of their competition.
The thing is though, Jagex is becoming like every other pathetic game that has followed after WoW. They have made Runecrafting and Firemaking bareable, yet neglected all of the other skills. Skills which make Runescape UNIQUE.
So Jagex, stop stripping your game of everything that makes it what it is and start focusing on real issues, not how to make more profit.
30-Aug-2012 00:42:25