
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

31-Aug-2012 22:36:41



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So much obfuscation. Then the kiddies say they believe in you again. So, what do you do? Put out ANOTHER SOF update. Are you all crazy? Or do you WANT to drive the game into the sewer?
The con*ination of SOF and free trial let this account get over 900 lvls in 2 weeks. 63 easy quests makes for lots of spins and lots of xp.
Pathetic, jagex.

01-Sep-2012 00:05:44



Posts: 2,222 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What I hate most is that someone who is rich is much more likely to get 200M (or 400M) than the rest of us. Why does a rich kid who's been playing for a month get 200M? I've been playing far longer and I have only 7M with another 15Mish bank.
Not fair Jagex. :|

01-Sep-2012 01:08:30

Widow Alarhu

Widow Alarhu

Posts: 214 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To clarify my statement on page 193. Gerhard said
"... is that micro-payments are often associated with their potential to undermine the integrity of games so that companies can profit in the short-term. As a result, many players have questioned whether RuneScape is heading down this tragic route. I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road."
And what happens the next day. Jagex goes further down that road selling xp/gp via sales on spins.
Selling gp/xp undermines the integrity of the game.

01-Sep-2012 01:36:59

Codie 1972
Jan Member 2019

Codie 1972

Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I totally agree with what Moskoe says at 1400:55 on Aug 31.
His 2 points are very well said .
It is ashame Jagex tries to defend itself by comparing something bad to something far worse .I do agree that selling gold directly , xp or even accounts is worse than asking money for spins or bank space. but by comparing what they have done to something far worse doesnt make it right.

For example robbing the bank isnt quite as bad as the september 11 attacks on the twin towers, but does that mean robbing the bank makes you a good person just because it isnt as bad as flying those planes into the twin towers I dont think so.
Or does that mean someone can say "I am a good person I only killed 2 people becasue I could have killed 10- 15 times more people."
Shame jagex .

01-Sep-2012 05:31:50



Posts: 691 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just a note of something you may have missed:
The XP Bank, opened when claiming the sizziling summer exp, is already made with up to a 700k lamp option, yet all that was given was 350k. Looks to me this "XP Bank" might turn into another micro-transaction scheme......

01-Sep-2012 06:05:33

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