
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just to add to my list of posts that are worth reading:
1. Galahad Sir's (Pages 119 and 120)
2. Drunken Boi's (Page 113)
3. My own (spread through many pages, click my name and show posts on this thread)
4. Z A Z U's (He has a lot like me but the best are Pages 52 and Page 60) He doesn't talk about IVP but more about the actual buying of spins
You will have a whole new understanding of whats going on with our game.

30-Aug-2012 23:11:10

Feb Member 2022


Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i have a question what about well scammers and lures? just wanted to add to it a little
i am starting to see more and more luring videos on YouTube, and it seems like newer players are beginning to see it as a real money making method and i like the sounds of the botting update and the increase of account security

30-Aug-2012 23:15:09



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The fact they deleted your posts is proof that what you're saying is accurate. They are silencing you because they're afraid of what you might say. UNBELIEVABLE. It was neither offensive, nor untrue - yet they're trying to can you.
What a shame. Rats. That's all they are. RATS.

30-Aug-2012 23:18:43 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 23:19:30 by Fournaridis

deadmau5 07
Dec Member 2023

deadmau5 07

Posts: 5,274 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
can you make that an update instead of beta? :) that might get me back into this game lolz
or push me away from lag xD
cool guys :) you totally got me... wait no... luls! noobs this game is horrible.
The time is out of joint
O cursèd spite

30-Aug-2012 23:20:24

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ WizzleNizzle
Are you serious?!?! Anyone want to argue about what IVP is doing now?
TO IVP OR WHICHEVER MOD READS THIS: Based on that I am totally gonna get banned for this.... However, before you click that little ban button consider this: if IVP wants to forum ban someone who has been posting constructive and informative things on these forums for nearly 8 years then so be it. Honestly, it'll just annoy me but i'll live. What you should consider is that if you ban me as well, and probably more people yet to come, then all you are doing is proving to everyone that you have something to hide, something that you dont want the Runescape community to find out at all costs. You already censor the name of your company as well as the names of the IVP members on the board of Jagex (something most people don't realize because nobody would type those names by accident) If you continue to censor all of the players who try to expose what you are doing then people will start to notice. You can't make everyone who disagrees with you disappear.

30-Aug-2012 23:21:16



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Does any JMOD or FORUM MOD wish to explain why certain posts, which were neither spam, nor offensive or untrue - were deleted from this thread?
Anyone? They were not only some of the most well written posts in this entire forum, but they broke NO FORUM RULES. So, is anyone man enough to explain to me and the person who's post were deleted exactly WHY they were deleted?
Since when was discussing the future of the game considered off limits or against the rules? Since when was a companies members and mission - SOMETHING THAT'S A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD - suddenly taboo?

30-Aug-2012 23:22:16 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 23:23:44 by Fournaridis

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