"I notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in the comments. Hopefully these will be allayed with the Q&A sessions and future news posts/content."
-Page 83 Mod Daezhun
Yes, yes you should notice a lot of cynicism and skepticism in these comments. Do you know why? Because you (jagex in general not you specifically) have repeatedly lied to us, broken your promises, and are now continuing to blatantly lie to us. You go so far as to openly contradict yourself within a single post and then deny it.
Just out of sheer curiosity because i can not for the life of me understand the working a a J-Mod's mind, would you please explain to me how you think a Q&A session will allay the cynicism and skepticism? We don't believe you now because you repeated lie and try to deceive us. That's the very cause of the cynicism! Why do you think that telling us the same things over again and not actually facing any of our direct questions with legitimate answers will make us feel any better or make us believe you? Please explain the logic in this because i get the feeling this is yet another post to be filed away under the ever growing file of "Jagex Logic".
If you truly want to allay the cynicism why dont you take a new approach and actually listen to what the community wants and keep the promises you make?
29-Aug-2012 23:10:44