
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Feb Member 2023


Posts: 552 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Keep it real MMG y0.
I can't wait for the draw distance update as I can imagine it help me in dungeoneering. By the way, would you be able to see players/NPCs from a distance or is it just the scenery that's just rendered?
Owner of Shuu Zone

Ex-Owner of Shuu Bets

Key To Final is my boy.

30-Aug-2012 11:57:32

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,221 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Stevew
'You also make the future of the game seem bright, however, I do have to question the seriousness of this post, especially where you promise not to directly sell gold, xp or accounts.
Hey Lyra, glad to hear you find the information useful.
You ask about the 'seriousness' of the message, well all I can say is that it was written by Mark, and he runs the company. For that reason alone, you can have absolute faith that anything in the text is the direction Jagex will take.
Steve '


But in an interview, Mark once said wilderness will NEVER come back. And it did.
Then the rule about wealth not affecting in game status, yet it now does.
and we should believe this, how?
Don't click the spoiler below.
You rebel, I like you.

30-Aug-2012 11:57:36



Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is this really written by Mark Gerhard, or by IVP?
"tens of millions of dollars."
- Surely Mark Gerhard would be using pounds? IVP however is an american company.
"We really appreciate the support and trust you have put in us over the last 5 years."
- RS has been around for over 11 years. 5 years would be closer to the time IVP started investing in Jagex? Personally I still have faith in Jagex, but just look at what happened to Maple Story after IVP got involved. They are not trusted by anyone.
Interesting information towards the end though. Really looking forward to the draw distance and improved account security.

30-Aug-2012 11:58:21



Posts: 290 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MrHatn Clogs, you are truly misguided.
1. You are talking about a 2m being introduced into the game per player via sof. Do you seriously think that it'll have that big of an impact on the game? Do you understand the mechanics of an economy? If the government gave everyone $500, do you think the price of TV's would skyrocket? Or the price of shoes would drop? This is a small amount of gold, a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the fact that it's being introduced rather slowly. 2m in a month? I know people that make 100m in a day. If SoF was going to damage the economy, it would have done so already. Are there noobs out there with phats because of SoF? No.
2. You mentioned earlier that regardless of the untradeable and destroyable action of the lucky items people still panicked and this caused changes in prices. You are a fool if you think you can blame ppl's stupidity on Jagex. Jagex can and never will be held responsible for panic selling or buying, unless they intentionally do something like say "We are going to discontinue black armor," and then a week later say "We were just kidding, relax". If that happens,then you can blame them for panic selling.
3. You're grammer could do with some improvement. Sorry.
4. You all give Jagex too little credit. Sure they've made huge mistakes, but when it's come to the players, they've always aimed to please. Obviously, you're opinions about the SoF are not shared as strongly as you thought, because when PKing was removed there were huge protests all across the servers. People are still playing. But if it was as big of threat as you make it out to be, then it would be gone by now. Of course, they'd have to make the money elsewhere, so who knows how that'd turn out.
5. I had a fifth point, but... I can't seem to remember what it was... been watching smallville... lol

30-Aug-2012 12:01:05



Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ flaring sky
"Jagex is a British company, can you please, at the very least, use the British currency of pounds instead of giving into this americanisation of British companies and industry."
Jagex are an international company really and they also accept euros :) .

30-Aug-2012 12:05:11

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 2,487 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is the kind of regular update we need, answering any issues, outlining the future plans and basically settling the nerves of the majority of the players. I already feel less confused about all the mentioned issues, and although I didn't agree with the micro-payment updates it'll be good to see action against the issue 100 times more important - BOTS!
Keep up the good work ^_^

30-Aug-2012 12:07:22



Posts: 290 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Skins, they said the wilderness would never come back, so players went ballistic and they had two options. Lose a huge fanbase, or bring back the wilderness.
On another note, i feel as though i should've recieved an in-game email that an American company acquired Runescape. That's not good... We Americans are notorious for our love of 3 things. ***, food, and money. And not necessarily in that order.
And I have never played Maple Story, but it sounded like a terrible game then, and from what I hear, it's a terrible game now.

30-Aug-2012 12:07:56 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 12:08:43 by Araenel



Posts: 146 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally, I have no problem with microtransactions in runescape. Like all other, such as membership. I am not forced to pay for anything on runescape. I am not massively missing out on anything by not paying for it. Infact I view the rewards as cosmetic more thaan anything else. I can't hate on jagex for simply adding a few more pounds to their coffers. Every company does it, and if in the end, those few pound mean the game last longer in its present state, well then thats fine and dandy to me. I won't have contributed, but I won't have gained anything either.
I'm loooking forward to the removal of bots, and interested in how Jagex will do it. Bots will always be around. People always want to cheat at games, it a fact of online gaming. Extra account security sounds dandy to me too.
Overall, my game isn't ruined, and its not the end of the world. I'm still here typing...

30-Aug-2012 12:08:22

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