MrHatn Clogs, you are truly misguided.
1. You are talking about a 2m being introduced into the game per player via sof. Do you seriously think that it'll have that big of an impact on the game? Do you understand the mechanics of an economy? If the government gave everyone $500, do you think the price of TV's would skyrocket? Or the price of shoes would drop? This is a small amount of gold, a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the fact that it's being introduced rather slowly. 2m in a month? I know people that make 100m in a day. If SoF was going to damage the economy, it would have done so already. Are there noobs out there with phats because of SoF? No.
2. You mentioned earlier that regardless of the untradeable and destroyable action of the lucky items people still panicked and this caused changes in prices. You are a fool if you think you can blame ppl's stupidity on Jagex. Jagex can and never will be held responsible for panic selling or buying, unless they intentionally do something like say "We are going to discontinue black armor," and then a week later say "We were just kidding, relax". If that happens,then you can blame them for panic selling.
3. You're grammer could do with some improvement. Sorry.
4. You all give Jagex too little credit. Sure they've made huge mistakes, but when it's come to the players, they've always aimed to please. Obviously, you're opinions about the SoF are not shared as strongly as you thought, because when PKing was removed there were huge protests all across the servers. People are still playing. But if it was as big of threat as you make it out to be, then it would be gone by now. Of course, they'd have to make the money elsewhere, so who knows how that'd turn out.
5. I had a fifth point, but... I can't seem to remember what it was... been watching smallville... lol
30-Aug-2012 12:01:05