
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 89 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
wow lol will everyone just stop complaining about SoF?? okay so people can buy spins and win 200m ... well first off for max spins its $100 ... so not many people buy spins. 2nd winning 200m is like 100,000 to 1 ... people do get mad exp but who really cares about that? okay so some ********* bought SoF spins and cheated his way to 99 agility for example. Who the **** cares? you got your 99 legit he didn't so just think of it as you are the better person and drop it. Its just a computer game ... EVERY other gaming company out today sells extra stuff for money ... its the way of life and if you owned a game you would do the same. its unfair that people can buy map packs in cod or extra guns in BF3 but you dont see their community complaining so shut the hell up and play the game or quit. No one cares what you 2001-2009 players have to say ... this is runescape 2012 its a different game now and if you don't like it quit. no one is stopping you

30-Aug-2012 21:45:48

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 1,294 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Probably an unpopular solution, but I have not heard anyone reason with the idea of eliminating the Squeal of Fortune while increasing the price for membership instead. I would rather pay a higher price to play a game where the conditions are fair rather than paying a lower price for a game where the time and hard work you spend to earn the experience while playing can be purchased or botted by other players.
I'm not one to normally post on the forums, but the problem is clearly making an impact in the community and obviously with the gameplay. So if JAGEX and its associates want our trust and continued membership, we should be able to vote on new updates such as the SoF or the EoC just as we were able to petition on getting free trade and the wilderness back. The best form of communication is hearing from the community as a whole (polls, petitions, etc), not just individual forum posts and rants. But I thank JAGEX for leveling with us that removing bots would lead to financial issues for the company. But if something drastic has to be done to recuperate these funds, create a way to give the entire community a voice in what should happen, even if that means hard choices such as raising membership costs vs micro-transactions or choosing to keep certain changes in the EoC. If you really care about the community, let us decide the future of the game we love playing!

30-Aug-2012 21:47:26 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 22:11:05 by IronMeeple



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That's one thing I don't understand. Most Runescape players log on at LEAST once a week or so. So, almost everyone would be able to vote for implementing key changes like this.
Instead, they think up updates nobody asked for and that nobody wants and then have the gall to get on here and act like EVERYONE was begging for it.

30-Aug-2012 21:51:04



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Let rwt'ers rwt but put them in their own hs. It is wrong what they are doing now on so many levels. No parent would want their kid to play sof or pay for their kids to play it. I know if they got rid of SoF and advertised the game how they have been it would be 1000x more successful.

30-Aug-2012 21:52:08

Pehmo A

Pehmo A

Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
C'mon Jagex, listen: Currently, with SoF, everyone else but me has this problem: Seeing someone win big, worthy ingame things with SoF, while they cannot afford it/seems too risky. But I have this problem: You guys, yep, you, Jagex developers (and MMG), are just basically robbing everyone with your SoF, and telling wise worded lies to everyone to rob even more. Like, you paste in 5 dollars, you get a frickin' emerald. WHAT? So, the players pastes in even more dollars, and still gets a frickin' emerald. Umm...
So, it would cost someone SO MUCH to get something rare, that he would run out of money in a second. And after that, he now sees that he cannot afford more spins, and has just wasted like 100 dollars to a fricking game, and all he got is: Surprisingly, emerald, or other c**p like that. So, you guys get more income (as dollars) than the player would ever get, even if he, after spending 1 000 dollars, would get.
Now, there are two options for you guys: You can either give the players some REAL rewards (EVERYTIME, some special items like Godswords/other rare items are rarer), from every spin (that has been bought), so, basically, the rewards would be something that is WORTH the money, or, you guys can keep it the way it is now. Either way, the other half of players hate the other option and the other half hates the other option. So, there is really no... oh wait... There IS another solution available for you, Jagex: REMOVE THE SOF. PLEASE. I've already quited 1 year ago, but after seeing, how MMG brainwashes every piece out of every player with his wise worded lies, I just couldn't handle it and came back JUST to make this post. PLEASE!!

30-Aug-2012 21:57:19

Stoat King

Stoat King

Posts: 5,075 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"So, it would cost someone SO MUCH to get something rare, that he would run out of money in a second. And after that, he now sees that he cannot afford more spins, and has just wasted like 100 dollars to a fricking game, and all he got is: Surprisingly, emerald, or other c**p like that."
It is Jagex's moral duty to separate the fool from his money.
In that i support them lol.

30-Aug-2012 22:02:33

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've read every post from the page 1-123 so far and frankly don't want to read any more right now so I'm sure i've missed some good posts.
However, i wanted to let people know that if they want to truly understand what is going on and why Jagex has done and said the things they have, here are your options:
1.Go to pages 119 and 120 and read Galahad's posts - pretty much covers everything you need to know about the news post as well as IVP and a few other subjects.
2. Click my profile and read my posts on this thread. - mostly about mod's contradicting themselves with quotes, though the later posts are on IVP
3. Go to page 113 and read Drunk Boi's post. - Entirely about IVP
Notice the common theme? Yes, IVP is mentioned in all of them. If you dont know what it is, I'm begging you to go read it. If you do, they're still pretty insightful and may give you some information you didn't already know.
Go read these posts and you will have a perfect understanding of what has been happening in the past year or so.
If any mod actually reads these forums and isn't scared to death of losing their job, then for the good of the game (without which you won't have a job anyway) boycott IVP's ideas!! Simply stop programming them!!! They can't fire you all if they want to keep making money.

30-Aug-2012 22:23:40 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 22:27:21 by Cpkl2

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