C'mon Jagex, listen: Currently, with SoF, everyone else but me has this problem: Seeing someone win big, worthy ingame things with SoF, while they cannot afford it/seems too risky. But I have this problem: You guys, yep, you, Jagex developers (and MMG), are just basically robbing everyone with your SoF, and telling wise worded lies to everyone to rob even more. Like, you paste in 5 dollars, you get a frickin' emerald. WHAT? So, the players pastes in even more dollars, and still gets a frickin' emerald. Umm...
So, it would cost someone SO MUCH to get something rare, that he would run out of money in a second. And after that, he now sees that he cannot afford more spins, and has just wasted like 100 dollars to a fricking game, and all he got is: Surprisingly, emerald, or other c**p like that. So, you guys get more income (as dollars) than the player would ever get, even if he, after spending 1 000 dollars, would get.
Now, there are two options for you guys: You can either give the players some REAL rewards (EVERYTIME, some special items like Godswords/other rare items are rarer), from every spin (that has been bought), so, basically, the rewards would be something that is WORTH the money, or, you guys can keep it the way it is now. Either way, the other half of players hate the other option and the other half hates the other option. So, there is really no... oh wait... There IS another solution available for you, Jagex: REMOVE THE SOF. PLEASE. I've already quited 1 year ago, but after seeing, how MMG brainwashes every piece out of every player with his wise worded lies, I just couldn't handle it and came back JUST to make this post. PLEASE!!
30-Aug-2012 21:57:19