
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for clearing this up, Jagex. I'm very sorry I got angry with you earlier. I'm extremely glad to hear you are still doing to best for the game; You are including micro transactions, which I don't like, but I understand now that they are necessary to keep the game in it's great state. I only wish there was a way for us who don't like them to hide them, but that's trivial, :P Thank you again for all your wonderful work! I really appreciate all you do. :)

30-Aug-2012 22:25:20



Posts: 3,834 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
THANK YOU! I came into this thread a bit late, so I wasn't aware of Galahad Sir's posts. I just read them now and feel horrible that such well written, thorough and succinct thoughts will be lost in the melee'. What an absolute shame.
I too, would like to second your suggestion and encourage everyone to read Galahad Sir's posts on pages 119 and 120.
Galahad said it better than I ever could have hoped to.

30-Aug-2012 22:33:41 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 22:35:15 by Fournaridis

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Fournaridis
Glad to see that someone took my suggestion to heart :D
If we can reach even a few people it is better then reaching none at all. I suggested the reading of his posts because they are the most well laid-out ones i have found and they are incredibly informative. I also suggested Drunken Boi's as well as my own posts because i think they cover some of the topics that Galahad Sir skips over.
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T LIKE TO READ A LOT OR DON'T WANT TO SKIP AROUND THROUGH SEVERAL PAGES, that's a shame because Galahad has made some extremely informative posts and while my own are more scattered since i posted them throughout the 5 hours i spent on this thread last night but PLEASE go to page 113 and read Drunken Boi's post. Its an extremely condensed version of everything you need to know.
For those of you who didn't see my post on the last page, PLEASE go read
1. Galahad Sir's posts (pages 119 and 120)
2. Drunken Boi's post (Page 113)
3. My own posts (Click my name and then show posts on this thread (may need to read in the thread to get the context as most of my posts were debates with other people)
Alternatively, add me in-game and pm me any questions you have. I always have my private chat turned on and will answer any message i get as quickly as possible.

30-Aug-2012 22:45:31 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 22:48:01 by Cpkl2

I has TM87
Jun Member 2020

I has TM87

Posts: 442 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for the update on what's happening. I am sorry for ever complaining about SoF i bought $20 of spins to see what exp i can get from that and it's only 100k exp... So anyone who complains you really shouldn't if people brought spins for exp the are wasting money.
I still want the Gower team back ='(

30-Aug-2012 22:45:38

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Mr Rune916
We don't complain about the amount. We complain that the ability to purchase xp and gold exists at all in any quantity. A murder is a murder no matter how small, and murdering your own policies and rules is no exception....

30-Aug-2012 22:47:17



Posts: 320 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The gold farmers must make a lot of money for there to be so many bots, and we always believed they would get banned and we need the bots gone to attract real players. So how much difference would it make if Jagex sell the gold? People who want to buy it already can
It is that they shove it on those of us who are not interested and make it allowed on our high scores I wont accept.
Then you have people who farm gold to sell to earn money which is kind of illegal so you can either make an auction house which isn't fun because rs is a game not a job, or you just sell it yourself and they can go make money somewhere else.
Just sell the gold and get rid of the stupid promotions and marketing.

30-Aug-2012 22:50:43

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