
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
Stop all the clock and dagger bull and just get on with removing the bots... The build up to this nuke and the hype that mods are saying about it better be worth it or is it just going to be yet another slight inconvenience for them and have them back in 24 hours.
As for micro transactions we know it sucks you know it sucks and most of the people that want them can't afford them and most of the people that can afford them don't want them... would be a bit better if Jagex held back on the hard sell for them all. I get tired of having the new and fantastic "scratch your butt" emote rammed down my throat. You know how I like to earn my rewards QUESTS. Get some better writers and ad a few quest where the main requirement isn't running back and forth but getting caught up in a story line. But hay! why turn people away that are to lazy to work for a reward when you can have them press a button and then go back to hitting someone over the head with their new flaming blade while hitching a ride on a gnomecopter to the bank and switching into their new outfit that looks like a ninja trying to take a tricky poop. All paid for and filling the coffers they don't have to work for a reward and neither do Jagex win - win all round...

30-Aug-2012 11:47:20



Posts: 18 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape, please tell the details of Runetek 7 and what would it be like
I beg you please, I keep commenting in facebook but no mod answer me, i concern about the graphics of Runescape and want to see how can it breakthrough Java
Thanks :)

30-Aug-2012 11:48:59

24 7 365

24 7 365

Posts: 506 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So i was reading through this and I like the idea of going to Html5. Graphics look smoother, and the fact that you would be able to zoom further out is pretty sweet as well cause then you wont really have to always be moving your camera to see everything. Something else I've been wondering is in the post you said that by switching from java to html5 it'll be able to be brought to other devices and other platforms..does that mean that there could possibly be a integration of rs into say the xbox 360/ps3/wii franchises?

30-Aug-2012 11:50:44

Dec Member 2019


Posts: 3,643 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"and certainly tens of millions of dollars"
Jagex is a British company, can you please, at the very least, use the British currency of pounds instead of giving into this americanisation of British companies and industry.

30-Aug-2012 11:52:34



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Everyone,
I wouldn't usually say this but I'm very happy that Jagex have took note of our discussion on their updates and are acting upon it. I really hope that you give us the best updates, the best gameplay and everything else for the future! It's really made me more happy knowing that bots will be nuked out and NO MORE GOLD SPAMMERS! :D
Thanks again,

30-Aug-2012 11:54:04 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 11:56:23 by Vaddeon

Ticc 69

Ticc 69

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would love an improvement on squeal of fortune, perhaps getting something that wasn't 1000gp.....
And how is charging a small in game fee going to make any difference? its not like you can sell the acquired gold for actual money.,..,.,.

30-Aug-2012 11:57:32

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