Okay while everyone is playing the Devil's Advocate, I'll try to make this a true suggestion.
If the development team is having troubles and want true feedback from their players, why not TRULY engage in the game and interact with the players to get an understanding from all of them. Instead of popping up every once in a while, have it part of your schedule to be in the game interacting as much as possible. I have been on the Jagex Careers website and have read the employees comments (I do wish to become a fellow employee but I'm not a resident of the UK) and done a tad bit of research. One thing is certain, you may have your get-togethers, jollies, etc... but try to make it part of your job to get right in there and interact.
Your so caught up with bots, yes bots are about as annoying as anything, just don't ruin it for the rest of us. From the bot nuke last year I was having performance issues, lag and sometimes constant crashes on my client.
OOT---Combat Beta, have you noticed the crash in items? This a content update that seems to be causing a lot of us older members to fall back on Runescape =/ I've taken at least a total of a 5 year break from RS and it's because I get aggravated with it at times.
Soloman's and SOF, the economy is tough, but I think everyone has had a big enough spiel about these 2.
HTML5, well nice update but JAVA is the architecture Runescape has run on since the 2 brothers began RS. As long as this update is promising i the long run, its fine with me.
Tablet compatibility, this is something I've been waiting for =] with the new HTML5 update chances are you'll be able to fill the gab with Tablets, Smartphones, etc... and Runescape.
Overall, the community is what really shapes Runescape in all honesty (it always has) but the community is still influenced by Jagex, why not engage and influence yourselves with the community in a bigger way. Have Mods available more often, yes you will be swarmed by players, but that's the thrill ;] Ciao~
29-Aug-2012 21:54:11