
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will say this once and only once. Grammar and sentence structure do nothing. They don't help in the real world at all because everything is based on information. I couldn't care less if i miss a few periods, spell some words wrong, or even miss some punctuation. because in all fact in you live in the real world it gets you no where. so next time you post something please make sure you have the slightest idea of what your talking about. As long as you have the right information and the knowledge in which you speak grammar is just another thing to learn in school other than that its useless. Sorry to burst your bubble but you proved my point by ignoring my factual statements and going right to try and undermine me so i will undermine you.
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 09:04:15 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 09:08:39 by MrHatN Clogs

Bad Geowgie

Bad Geowgie

Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for taking the time to explain your Dilemma to all of us. Although many of us May still not be satisfied by your reply and are still convinced you are going to continue giving an advantage they are merely but slightly annoyed that a game that was only about Content/Gameplay updates 2 Years ago, has come through such massive changes. Sure the Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store may of not been the Best changes at the time, but we completely forgot about the fact Thousands if not Hundreds of Thousands of Pounds when you Nuked the Bots, and the Same will happen this time. So really JaGex if this is going to Affect your Profits to Recover the Money you original lost, I can Personally say i am fine with it.
For all of you people about to say to me how i am stupid for saying all of this, remember they DON'T HAVE to get rid of the Bots, it is not effecting anything but increasing their profits. You can have this Two ways in my Mind. Keep Bots but No More Updates for SoF and SGS. Or you can have NO Bots and Occasional updates to increase their Profits. At the end of the day they still work hard to make the Cosmetic items and they look far better than some weapons and armour in the game.
JaGex i have Restored faith in you now, please don't change my mind. I'm going to wait 3 or so Weeks, depending on how you've gotten on. I may return with my Paid membership. :-)
Hope someone has Read this Positive feedback (Positive!)

30-Aug-2012 09:10:38

Dave Jay
Nov Member 2016

Dave Jay

Posts: 2,291 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice post from Sir Mark .. poor old Fmod got his post hidden, has he been de-modded for being a nay-sayer?
I pay 3.50/month for membership and would gladly pay 7/month for;
- removal of buyable spins
- permanent disabling in-game adverts
Buyable spins are the problem as they undermine to whole integrity of the game.

30-Aug-2012 09:18:34

OT MayheM
Dec Member 2009

OT MayheM

Posts: 162 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i read this post, and honest to god. i can now say im proud of jagex again! like this is a huge step for the community, i just really hope they follow through on this and do listen. and yes i can understand the mico-transaction part now. cheers to you jagex!
you've made a happy man today :)

30-Aug-2012 09:18:46



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just wanted to bring up a point I think you need to work on, that is the high definition, because every time I try to activate it everything is so dark I can barley see a thing, also you can only resize the screen is its on high definition.
Can you please work on this because I would like to be able to play it in a bigger window.
P.S. Does anyone else have this problem? It might be cos I have a mac.

30-Aug-2012 09:19:09



Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i guess i will just say this, fix the wheel and implement the store in a proper way. somehow just integrate all the pay-to-get aspects (SoF, loyalty shop, store) into an in game area and back it up with a proper lore.
and as we have been shouting for months, you can keep the darned wheel since you guys are more persistent than the rioters but please,REMOVE OR AT LEAST DECREASE THE LAMP RATES, you are as good as selling experience. and if you are serious about keeping f2p players, do take away members only stuff from the free wheel. i used to dream about having subscribed membership and enjoying every bit of it, but nowadays every time i play i feel disgusted having stuff persuading me to pay.

30-Aug-2012 09:26:44 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 09:35:21 by Eastwind

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