
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Death Above1

Death Above1

Posts: 1,546 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Haha I have to say clap clap clap MMG. You sure have a silver spoon.
When reading through it I felt you plugging at my emotions and I remember saying to myself, wow this guys good.
That was before testosterone kicked in and I remember you and the whole of the Jagexian empire are a pack of liars.
Who did you honestly think you would fool. Your post contradicted what Mod Emille said. She said that all money generated from SOF and SOL games goes back into SOF and SOL not other areas of the game.
No doubt you have fooled the many silly people who cannot be bothered to doubt you or use their brains.
I smell politics, I smell lies. You have not fooled me.
But well done, you achieved what you set out to do, deceive the masses.

29-Aug-2012 21:37:13

Guardian Gol

Guardian Gol

Posts: 1,049 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No matter how much spin you put on, the management direction is clear from the product changes this last year. This is likely to erode your player-base as they see each and every update to selling more and more things.

New players are less likely to stick to the shallower content being made prime-time(SoF/Solomon) because it is making RS more simple & throw-away game-play wise. It's feel is very Flash game like now. Can you grow enough players into a market where there are hundreds of other modern games? Or will you disappear amongst the sea viewed as just another title to spend a few days on and never return to.

How long and how many updates will it take to sicken/enlighten more of the players to this? That must be a very anxious worry for management and explains the extremely desperate attempt of this news post with every attempt to cajole and placate with repeated use of 'We' and 'Ours (& Your game)' is easily seen through if you've listened to politicians.

Further, to say that a new management of people who have only been part of RS for ~5 years are really as committed to the original leaders from 10 years ago in face of the changes made to the product & direction is derisible.

The micro-transaction updates have destroyed the integrity of the game-play for myself. The new content is lacking and from reading the above, it appears likely that the doubling of RS development team is for employing conversation teams, technical tweaks & graphic artists that will not further the game-play but just introduce cosmetic/trivial additions and more markets without furthering the game-play much.

29-Aug-2012 21:38:05

Truth Forger

Truth Forger

Posts: 346 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great. Now:
1) Remove or decrease xp/gp rate from SoFa.
2) Make ge spaces buyable.
A player mentioned a "dev team status list" - I like the idea.
Other thoughts: one should really use comparison pictures from the same camera angle and spot, and should use png instead of lossy jpg images.

29-Aug-2012 21:39:17 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 22:06:51 by Truth Forger



Posts: 331 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-squeal is fine i mean u shouldn't have that 200mil gp still on there thats borderline bs but overall squeal doesn't massively effect the game besides bonus xp which is also available via auras/pengs/troll/urns etc but....
-runecoins is bs to the max i mean the prices are ridiculous for the content just a money maker for jagex in the long run
-glad to hear an official announcement on the bot nuking
-glad to hear about more account security (imo if ppl got hacked less they wouldnt give up the game and start buying gold/botting/gambling as often)
-is there any date on when eoc is gonna actually become runescape 3 instead of beta ive heard alot of rumors on 2-3 weeks others day months
-on s0f wt happend 2 all the lucky armor i hvnt seen a lucky spirit shield on any of the spins in over a month
-200m gp should be taken off spins u reached 200m prob like 50m ppl ago so lets move on all its doin is makin ppl buy more spins 2 sell the gold cause $money for spins is < wt they sell the gold 4 when they win it....
-new d&d great content in theory but id suggest changing the game start times to 10-15min interval instead of 40min......
thats all i got 4 now jagex cant wait for a new quest if u got one in store preferably one thats harder than the recent ones :P although battlefish was fun

29-Aug-2012 21:39:33



Posts: 575 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you guys really didn't want to devalue the RS and the successes us players enjoy, you would remove the SoF as it indirectly offers max skills to those who wish to spend hundreds or thousands of real life dollars on the game to purchase spins.
But clearly you won't do this because it brings in income for the company, and for the past few years income has been all that matters, despite the fact that playing your game has completely lost its sense of accomplishment.
You may as well just sell out completely and sell coins and exp boosters, because nobody believes your "staying true to the game" charade anymore anyways.

29-Aug-2012 21:39:33



Posts: 88 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He is just trying to deceive younger players into believing Jagex is doing the right thing. SoF is providing help to those buy RWT. Some post above me says he used spins to 99 summoning.
What he is truly saying is that they are losing money because they banned bots. Bots give them a huge percentage of their revenue, and so in order to ban bots, they need to get more money from the legit players.
This is sickening, and instead they need to focus on making the game better and bringing in more people, not lying to us.
Watch Silentc0re's vid to learn the truth.

29-Aug-2012 21:39:50



Posts: 563 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What I got out of this:
Jagex is saying yeah we're doing microtransactions and legalizing rwt for only the company, BUT WE COULD BE DOING MUCH WORSE by selling accounts, gold, and exp. Which you are actually doing 2 of the 3. Whether Jagex wants to admit it, they're selling gold and exp lamps via SoF. It is not a guarantee that you will get exp or gold, they pretty much make it almost certain we will get one of the two half the time.
Don't try to go around legitimating your need for more money by claiming it's due to Jagex employees. We get that you need more money to keep hiring, but you already did that when you increased membership prices. The SoF spins and Runecoins being sold are looking like they are for pretty much pure profit for both Jagex and its Investors. Please give us significant statistics that prove otherwise and I know myself and pretty much 90% of the rest of the anti SoF and SGS players will shut up.

29-Aug-2012 21:39:51

Feb Member 2013


Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi. i would like to bring attention to the fact i have an oooold *** . and im sher a lot of players have the same problem and im afrade with all the new up dates that eventualy my *** wont run i gess what im asking is will we beable to run the old version of rs so thows of us that cant aford new equipment can steel play....ur loyel plaer jurny2 THANK u for ur time

29-Aug-2012 21:40:12



Posts: 542 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But it is true.. okay maybe JaGex has lied a few times but give it a rest we are the people who are making JaGex feel like ****.. now if we don't support them then they'll end up closing RuneScape and that's a road we don't want to take now if you don't want that to happen stop complaining like little children and start supporting them there's always another day and in that other day something good can happen as in JaGex listening to us and changing some **** even if they said ''We will not remove sof/sgs from Runescape'' it dosen't mean they'll keep that promise.
- If someone said JaGex I'll give you *1,000,000,000 to remove sof/sgs ofc they'll remove it it's not a ''promise'' that JaGex will keep.. in the future JaGex will change alot of things to our liking.. maybe they don't have the money yet to make our game RuneScape extrodinary so they're using us to pay for sof/sgs it's going to help us in the future and something as little as $3.00 wont hurt you.. so I don't know why you're complaining.
EDIT: I'm not telling you to pay for sof/sgs but I'm just stating a point but still if you want the game to develop go ahead. :) .

29-Aug-2012 21:40:22



Posts: 5,196 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everyone do not believe the OP, its all lies trust me

Remember the post made by Mod MMG about the future of RS in 2009?

Its the same with that post on OP
Do not believe it please its all lies to get more players and trust them for long-term if they didnt lie they would already remove those RWT-Updates like SoF and Solomon Shop by now.... They would read our feedback more and update stuff that we want instead what they want...

29-Aug-2012 21:40:35

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