
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 2,812 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So f2p can now buy bankspace so you can use their money to update members?
Now tell me that having more bankspace in f2p is not selling an ingame advantage,or does f2p not enter the equation.If not, it's a demo.

29-Aug-2012 21:32:32 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:33:19 by zenmort

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 238 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ever since I bought 83-99 summon using spins, I've been really bored with the actual gameplay. It made me realize how incredibly slow this game is. Don't really know if I'm going to remain an active member.

29-Aug-2012 21:34:12



Posts: 124 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
this is brilliant tbh...everyone whos been flaming the forums (myself included) about recent updates being bad for runescape, RWT being introduced and botters not being dealt with, should really be able to appreciate that we HAVE been heard, im not sure why there are some who are still spamming 'bs' and 'LIES'... you have to be fair, we should not have expected an overnight update to address everyones issues with the game, and this has confirmed nearby updates of better security/lag reduction and platform improvements! exciting stuff...
EDIT: and this is only aq couple of the things mentioned
...more importantly, this is probably stuff that wasnt going to be announced until right before, or on the day of, their release, so to hear of it early, from the CEO of the company, is really reassuring :)
touche jagex, stick to your promises and you'll have handled this whole fiasco with perfection!
....imo :p

29-Aug-2012 21:34:57 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:40:41 by L0M



Posts: 926 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Many kids won't comprehend the lies behind this. If any one has ever had meetings with CEOs you know they lie through their teeth and tend to go into long discussions just to basically state one thing. Eg: Me wasting my time reading his statement, just for Jagex's CEO to state "SoF and Solomon's Store is a necessity. We lost so much money in combating bots."

Years back, your old team combated bots and never asked for increase of memberships. It's asinine to try and justify unwanted updates just because "you lost so much money" doing what you're suppose to do. You've allowed them to run wild, just to hit your 1,000,000 marker; now you, not the players (us), should pay the price for your arrogance.

29-Aug-2012 21:35:20



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@iMr Roboto Lol I'm mad that you can't defend your statistics. Lol wow utterly pathetic. I am aware I can't always be right but one thing I can say is you cannot back up your statistics and I'm right about that. Also please do not try to dictate what I do in game.
Levels arn't everything you know mr oh I have superior levels I am better than you I should order you around. When you come up with anything valid to say I shall aknowledge you again for now I am going to talk to intelligent people.

29-Aug-2012 21:37:05

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