
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 1,156 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"It seems to us ( well the vast majority i believe ) , that you are just like in Plato's Cave Allegory. In a cave , facing the dark wall, thinking that what you are seeing is the absolute truth and nothing else exists. Yet, we, the players tell you : Hey ! Jagex , turn around and see the light !! ."
lol holy crap another runescaper who's intelligent!

29-Aug-2012 21:29:55

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
Your words are worthless to me. You already broke the above promise by allowing the purchase of SoF spins, now Solomon's. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see that more bank space IS an advantage in game. This microtransaction business is proving to be a very slippery slope. And I see what you guys are doing, your trying to add just a little at a time, trying to get the community used to the water temperature before you plunge us into the deep end of a pool no one wants to swim in. Any attempt to say "we arent going to sell gold or exp" etc, Is nothing more than a slap in the face lie to the community, because "indirectly" or not, your doing just that with SoF. I would like to say I at least appreciate the acknowledgement that so much of the community is against this, but honestly, all I see is a meager attempt to calm the community with pretty words, and a nice subject change to some of the improvements to the game coming soon. Im not saying this just because im angry, Im saying it because your Jagex. Not lolnexon, not blizzard, etc. You have a better track record than they do, your flat out better than they are, but your sinking to their level. I am dissapointed in you. I've known for a long time that the game is changing, But I hadnt realized Jagex's principals were changing with it. I still stand by my point that I would rather just pay a higher membership cost, than have SoF and Solomon's in the game. If you really beleive that these things are whats best for RS, then I wish you luck, But I wont be around to find out. It was fun while it lasted.

29-Aug-2012 21:29:58

Killer 7276

Killer 7276

Posts: 533 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well at least they said something... staying silent is not a smart thing to do. Hopefully we will go no further down that road and leave it at sof and solomon without adding anymore updates like such.
As for the anti-bot news, very nice! Although it should have been earlier, at least they are getting around to it.

29-Aug-2012 21:30:18

Bearded Noob

Bearded Noob

Posts: 2,614 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First off I want to say that this has to be the biggest load of Bull I have ever laid eyes on. Anyone who has played this game long enough to care about it already knows that the company is being ran by investors and not game developers. The propose of an investment is to make money, most investors want a quick large return instead of one 10 years down the road. That being said, if this game was truely moving forward then we would be receiving quality content that makes old players stay and invite their friends to come play. That is how a game grows, it is so awesome to play that everyone gets their friends on board and those friends get more friends.
I had a good laugh at the statement about the development team being the same team that has been in charge for half of the games existence. What I found funny is that Runescape started going down the toilet halfway through its current lifespan. Kudos to the current development team, after 5 years you still haven't gotten it right..I suggest you find a new profession.
I understand that Jagex is a business by what needs to be done is the development of QUALITY content like there was in the past. If you keep old players playing and inviting new friends then it only keeps growing. Make the game addictive and people won't leave. Updates like squeal and solomon's general store only drive those old loyal players away. This crap about member loyalty is getting to be annoying too. If you value your loyal members so much then take the time to give us something worse playing for.
Edit: I have played Runescape for almost 8 years, 7 of which have been membership years. I am also one of the players that have already started the search for new games.

29-Aug-2012 21:30:50 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:31:53 by Bearded Noob



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This has eliminated almost all concerns I had about the SoF and solomon's general store. As long as the money goes towards bringing us quality updates as shown in the screenshots, then it's not so bad.
I am a bit concerned about how easy it is to get xp on the SoF. Maybe the chances could be decreased a little? The money rewards aren't so bad because it's very unlikely to get a massive amount of coins..
My other concern is the people quitting over the SoF and Solomon. JaGeX may be doing what is best for the long-term health of RuneScape (or trying to) but if too many players quit that could be a problem.
On the subject of the upcoming anti-bot measures, people have to remember that no anti-bot update will permanately remove all bots. Bot developers will just develop new bots to get around these measures, and JaGeX will have to eliminate those bots. The war against bots is ongoing and will not end, because they are fighting an ever-changing opponent. They can, at least, do their best to get rid of what bots are currently in the game.
Overall, I am very happy about this news.

29-Aug-2012 21:30:58

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