"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
Your words are worthless to me. You already broke the above promise by allowing the purchase of SoF spins, now Solomon's. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see that more bank space IS an advantage in game. This microtransaction business is proving to be a very slippery slope. And I see what you guys are doing, your trying to add just a little at a time, trying to get the community used to the water temperature before you plunge us into the deep end of a pool no one wants to swim in. Any attempt to say "we arent going to sell gold or exp" etc, Is nothing more than a slap in the face lie to the community, because "indirectly" or not, your doing just that with SoF. I would like to say I at least appreciate the acknowledgement that so much of the community is against this, but honestly, all I see is a meager attempt to calm the community with pretty words, and a nice subject change to some of the improvements to the game coming soon. Im not saying this just because im angry, Im saying it because your Jagex. Not lolnexon, not blizzard, etc. You have a better track record than they do, your flat out better than they are, but your sinking to their level. I am dissapointed in you. I've known for a long time that the game is changing, But I hadnt realized Jagex's principals were changing with it. I still stand by my point that I would rather just pay a higher membership cost, than have SoF and Solomon's in the game. If you really beleive that these things are whats best for RS, then I wish you luck, But I wont be around to find out. It was fun while it lasted.
29-Aug-2012 21:29:58