- I do not need a ‘Jagex Account Guardian’, I’ve protected my account and items from before the time of bank pins, strongholds of security, wilderness ditches, explanation marks in trading screens and so on. Being careful in the game teaches you something. Getting overly protected teaches you nothing and makes people ignorant and stupid. It was part of the game to outsmart the scammers, phishers and lurers. Little by little freedom is also taken away by this security, and as it is called here as a main reason to hire more people, that seems pretty unnecessary to me.
-You put in Solomons and Squeel so you would not have to sell experience and gold directly to the player. I’d rather have direct gold. You may deny it, but there IS a black market that sells Runescape gold. If you can get 15x as much revenue , why not do it yourselves and at the same time remove the entire black market.
- “We really appreciate the support and trust you have put in us over the last 5 years.”
Runescape is older than 5 years. What happened 5 years ago? Are you a ‘new team’ responsible for the removal of the wilderness and free trade and the game since then? Also, I don’t buy the ‘the team are gamers just like you’. They are not Runescape players like me, they cannot be. It would be interesting to know if there are mods who really play the game and have reached accounts with 99’s like all of us did. I think there are not , and so they cannot be a player like me. They developed the content but they don’t have had the same experience with it as most of us.
- One of the reasons you need funds to double the Jagex team is apparently make it HTML5 based instead of Java and make it available on tablets and TV’s and whatnot. I’m not waiting for that. Content is always a player’s main concern, certainly in the case of Runescape, which was never known for its awesome graphics, but for its unique gameplay.
29-Aug-2012 21:24:02
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 21:25:09
Adam 4 Eva