
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Adam  4  Eva

Adam  4  Eva

Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is great. Thank you for the response. Although it was not the response many where hoping for: (Hey guys, thanks for the feedback! We're removing Squeel and Solomons as fast as possible. And oh yeah, expect a bot nuke next week). That would be a little too easy, so thank you for taking the time and effort to explain things to the community.
The way I would summarize this reply: Jagex DOES read the feedback and are NOT milking out Runescape to let it die a silent death afterwards. This is really reassuring! Also explained is why Squeel and Solomons are there, but this explanation does not reassure me.
What follows are a few thoughts and questions, which may be kind of presumptuous, may sound stupid and may be based on bad ideas, but this is how I feel about this response.
-If I understand correctly, Squeel and Solomons are partly there to compensate for the millions lost by previous game updates, which would in the future turn out to be mistakes and made millions of players leave. Squeel and Solomon could make players leave too. You may claim they do not affect the integrity of the game. They do for me.
- The revenue from Solomons and Squeal is needed to double the Jagex team. I do not see why it would be necessary to double the Jagex team. The Jagex team worked fine all these years, delivered enough content and kept the players happy. The game was fine the way it was, the updates where fine the way they were. Now suddenly there is the need to make things ‘better’ which leads to the introduction of Solomons and Squeel.

29-Aug-2012 21:23:18 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:24:51 by Adam  4  Eva

Adam  4  Eva

Adam  4  Eva

Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- I do not need a ‘Jagex Account Guardian’, I’ve protected my account and items from before the time of bank pins, strongholds of security, wilderness ditches, explanation marks in trading screens and so on. Being careful in the game teaches you something. Getting overly protected teaches you nothing and makes people ignorant and stupid. It was part of the game to outsmart the scammers, phishers and lurers. Little by little freedom is also taken away by this security, and as it is called here as a main reason to hire more people, that seems pretty unnecessary to me.
-You put in Solomons and Squeel so you would not have to sell experience and gold directly to the player. I’d rather have direct gold. You may deny it, but there IS a black market that sells Runescape gold. If you can get 15x as much revenue , why not do it yourselves and at the same time remove the entire black market.
- “We really appreciate the support and trust you have put in us over the last 5 years.”
Runescape is older than 5 years. What happened 5 years ago? Are you a ‘new team’ responsible for the removal of the wilderness and free trade and the game since then? Also, I don’t buy the ‘the team are gamers just like you’. They are not Runescape players like me, they cannot be. It would be interesting to know if there are mods who really play the game and have reached accounts with 99’s like all of us did. I think there are not , and so they cannot be a player like me. They developed the content but they don’t have had the same experience with it as most of us.
- One of the reasons you need funds to double the Jagex team is apparently make it HTML5 based instead of Java and make it available on tablets and TV’s and whatnot. I’m not waiting for that. Content is always a player’s main concern, certainly in the case of Runescape, which was never known for its awesome graphics, but for its unique gameplay.

29-Aug-2012 21:24:02 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:25:09 by Adam  4  Eva



Posts: 141 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
funny thing is you say you do so much against botting. but the reason people bot is for xp without playing and gold without playing. thats exactly what the squel of fortune is about xp and money without playing but by PAYING. and honestly if you look at it from the player perspective 20 updates in a couple months time 2-3 real game updates and the rest all squel of fortune related? how do you think that is being looked up against.
you can write a nice story about the plans i give you that but you need to look at the core of the problem i dont mind explaining it all but i do hope you see it yourself aswell

29-Aug-2012 21:24:35



Posts: 94 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You said you would never introduce micro-transactions, but in this post you blatantly have added them and even admit to adding them. The fact that you are not selling gold, accounts, and XP(which you basically are because of xp lamps on squeel) doesn't make it any better that there are micro-transactions. A micro-transaction is a micro-transaction, no matter how small. Stop praising yourselves for not "going as far as selling gold, XP, accounts". The fact is YOU ARE STILL INTRODUCING MICRO-TRANSACTIONS TO THE GAME AND YOU SAID YOU NEVER WOULD.

-H0ckal00gie, President of the **** YOU JAGEX society :)

29-Aug-2012 21:24:39



Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is all just bs.. the only thing I see being done is the jagex workers are getting off their asses and are starting to do their job. Just because their paycheck is going to be fatter if they keep the bots around doesn't mean they should put the community through this. This "anti bot" Is just a load of ********.. always a load of ********. They ban the people who bot, not the gold farmers. I don't like botters whatsoever but the more money they make the less happy we'll be in the long run. (sof, solomons store). I've played this game for a long time, and despite what mod mmg said, it's going downhill.

29-Aug-2012 21:26:50

Dec Member 2006


Posts: 1,760 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TBH, squeal of fortune already sells gold and experience, just at an not-guaranteed rate.
If caps were implemented (i.e. a certain amount of exp lamps can be obtained from one skill per hour/per day and being unable to USE any lamps on that skill until after X amount of time has passed once one reaches that limit) and less stimulus (yes, convert to coins and all the gold is stimulus to attempt to boost the RS economy), the masses might stop raging.
Please note: a large proportion of RS players will complain either way, so just ignore the ones that automatically hate on a company that is trying to make money in hard economic times, and instead try to balance it to be more on-par with the maximum efficiency EXP rates per hour for that skill level (yes, have it vary from skill to skill) and balance coins/lucky/cosmetic rewards in a manner similar to lootshare potential (such that after a ton of spins, one would be more likely to obtain stuff if they've been only obtaining junk, and if they've obtained something really good, they get more junk for a long time, by junk I mean spins that are like 1K, which are still pretty good tbh).
No complaints about Solomon's General Store, BUY RUNECOINS NOW!!!!
OH, AND HTML5 FTW!!!! (it means the game won't die due to it being based on Java).
Updates are hard to make, especially when it's a solo project, so raging against the mod will get you nothing.

29-Aug-2012 21:27:13

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