
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 3,167 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have no problem what so ever when you are selling emotes and cosmetic rewards, because they give no in-game advantages and do not degrade the complexity of people's achievements.
But if you are going to keep SoF and Solomon's store in the game, then please make it only cosmetic, remove xp lamps and GP rewards.
Also, I would also like you to stop advertising this on the homepage every day, as it pushes important and relevant posts off the front page. It's Wednesday today and by the end of the week this post won't be on the home page anymore for the promotion posts.
Suggestion: Make a separate news list for the new nobody cares about, and then keep proper news on the main list.
- RS Fisherer
I Slay things, sometimes.

29-Aug-2012 19:33:42



Posts: 1,998 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So basically another decade for losers to waste away their lives on this game. Think I'll pass.
Oh and really Mark? Millions? You have the audacity to publically lie like that, a million different people don't even log on to runescape within 24 hours, and by the way logging on to spin the wheel doesn't count as playing.

29-Aug-2012 19:34:32 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:52:24 by Malzahaarr

Lunaire Moon

Lunaire Moon

Posts: 3,500 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MMG,
You state that 'directly' selling xp and gp are harmful for the integrity of the game --
But *indirectly* selling xp and gp are still selling them nonetheless, and still harmful for the integrity of the game.
This game was once my favorite game I've ever played, but now that xp and gp are sold I feel that all accomplishments are meaningless.
I do not want to play in a game where my accomplishments may just be bought by someone with a real life advantage over myself.
Making real life wealth have an actual affect on the competitive gameplay experience is absurd, and if you'll see the last date of activity on my adventurer's log you will notice I have not achieved anything since the release of the wheel.
I am perfectly fine and even happy with purchaseable cosmetics, but with the wheel it's one of two things-
The wheel goes.
The players go.
You can choose which you value more.
Long-Time Runescape Veteran,

29-Aug-2012 19:35:44 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 19:49:28 by Lunaire Moon

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"We have thought out and carefully quantified the impact of these updates on the overall game, and have been looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community. One specific difference that does exist with these updates, however, is that micro-payments are often associated with their potential to undermine the integrity of games so that companies can profit in the short-term. As a result, many players have questioned whether RuneScape is heading down this tragic route.
I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road. In reality"
The problem is, for some of us, that does not appear to be true.
The SOF and more specifically the convert to gold feature is creating an influx of gold in to the game economy. Long term problems such as inflation seem very likely here. All this will do is artificially rise the price of commodities. Why take lucky item x when i can get gold?
The apparent shift from cosmetic to items w/benfits.
the SoF has lucky items, shark gloves, and a number of other items that offer a direct non-cosmetic "advantage" in the game. While "luck" prevents people from buying these items directly, having more money clearly favors the likely hood of getting these items. There can be no doubt that items like the lucky spirit shields or the 200M prize don't have an actual effect on game play.
The recent bank space item on the SGS is a shift from "cosmetic" items to ones that offer an "advantage". The likely hood of players getting bank space from an update is pretty much sealed to 0%, as you can make more money off selling it or increasing it by a meaningful amount would devalue those items. After a years worth of update, the advantage to being able to "afford" these bank items will be tremendous for players.
I want to believe you, but your actions suggest (or rather IVPs?) that we will see further "non-cosmetic" items being sold. I have no doubts that gold will be sellable by jagex, i think w/in a year.
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29-Aug-2012 19:39:02

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