Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've heard it all before... "We have are continuing to make strives towards the Bot problem" or words to that effect. I've expressed, as I'm doing now, my disbelief in that and it seems (we shall see) that my words are banned and ignored.
Jagex, you have an ARMY of people like me that could help you battle the Bots if you would LISTEN to us. When we, your Army of Bot Hunters see the Bots, any account that gets multiple "hits" from multiple players as being a Bot should DISAPPEAR permanently when you see that it is a Bot. A VERY SIMPLE WAY to "freeze" a Bot, BETTER than Randoms do, is when a Bot gets more than 3 or 4 hits of us REAL PLAYERS reporting them, a popup screen, like the PIN screen to open the bank, opens, blocking them from further activity until a random 4-5 digit code is entered... and if they don't enter a code within a reasonable amount of time (I would say 60 seconds) then that account is frozen until a dedicated Bot-elimination team (You talked about doubling your staff, did it include creating a Bot-elimination team?) can look into it.
Any REAL player, who might simply be playing with all communication off because they want to "be alone" (been there, done it myself on occasion) who gets one of these screens and successfully enters the random code, will not get another one during that log-in period.
That's just ONE idea for REALLY getting rid of the Bots. I got a dozen more if you are REALLY interested.
29-Aug-2012 21:21:45