
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@iMr Roboto I do not need to show you supporters threads with 5k against it is not enough to prove your figures. When you do a full survey of every player in RS let me know. They must have all tried the beta for several hours too else their point is invalid.

29-Aug-2012 21:17:49

1st Paragon

1st Paragon

Posts: 398 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're saying that you don't want to sell exp and gold (and accounts. something I have never seen mentioned by the players) because it will harm the "health of the game" in the long term.
No. That is not true. The game will simply change into a game where you can buy your way to being the best. The game will not care, it won't get ill - it's just a computer game. some players will stay, some new ones might join, and you will still be making money, even if some players (even many players) quit.
So why not do it? Because it's not what you want the game to turn into, and indecently so do the players.
So why add the Sof and SGS? You say it ensures the the growth and success of the game in years to come. But the game you are now talking about contains those 2 features that the players (if I may be so arrogant as to speak on their behalf) do not want.
The game can handle those 2 features. It can handle giving rewards to new players and withholding them from veterans. It can even handle selling xp and gp. It's all a matter of where your values are.
Now, I am aware that the game might HAVE to have micro-transactions to keep going on. But I hope you realize that this is something many people feel that is against the spirit of the game that they once signed up for.
If there's nothing you can do about it than say it. Tell the players that the continuation of the game depends on the additional income that those transactions provide. If that is not the reason for the addition of these features, than you've just changed the game in a way the players really REALLY don't like, without having their best interest in mind.
There are stupid people in the world, and they also have money, so I am not expecting you to actually say the truth. It might be a better business move to dip these unwelcome updates in honey and tell us they're good for us. But don't expect all of us to believe you, and don't expect us to be quiet about it.

29-Aug-2012 21:18:54

Feb Member 2013


Posts: 2,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
mod mmg im not even gonna try to believe anything in the post seeing hooww badly you lied with the sof post
first off yet again what made this game special for millions of players was the fact that there were no micro transactions.
no impact to the game? what about the millions of exp people are buying daily with sof. the buy more banksspae does give an advantage no matter how little it is. sof you are also guarenteed money no matter how little it is. now im a fan of zamorak but there was one thing saradomin had said that i must agree with "weather someone buys 100 gp with realife money or buys 100,000. an advantage is still an advantage." just to sum up the quote for ya. its really sad when the rs gods disagree with micro transactions...
i could care less about those 2 new updates talked about in your pos one of the reasons why i had played rs for years was the simple graphics that i could easily run on my computer and i even used rs as means for a machinima series but with these graphical updates the machinima became somewhat inconsistant.
how can we believe you one these future updates you already paused stellar dawn after its promised release date when it could easily be in beta right now. and dont tell me its not ready for beta take minecraft for example and look how long that game was in beta. the whole point of beta is to be testing it for bugs and stuff not to wait for it to be fully done.
also you were much better off when it came to updates before ivp ever become majority stock holders. so tell me again how is all this extra money improving the game. these microtreansactions are fully outweighing all the decent updates.

29-Aug-2012 21:20:28

Gallardo 07
Mar Member 2016

Gallardo 07

Posts: 434 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i usually don't go out of my way to post on forums, but this is sad. I cant fathom why Jagex would base their budget off the income they were receiving from stolen credit cards and fraudulent payments. And now they're heading right back down the same road.
Is it worth losing the base of your long term members on the chance to milk some SOF payments out of the new ones?
Bring Gower back!

"We don’t want players to be able to buy their way to success in Runescape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues Runescape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn’t affect your ability to be successful in Runescape."
I wish you the best of luck in the future jagex. Sadly though, it looks dim.

29-Aug-2012 21:20:30

MiLord Roy

MiLord Roy

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've heard it all before... "We have are continuing to make strives towards the Bot problem" or words to that effect. I've expressed, as I'm doing now, my disbelief in that and it seems (we shall see) that my words are banned and ignored.
Jagex, you have an ARMY of people like me that could help you battle the Bots if you would LISTEN to us. When we, your Army of Bot Hunters see the Bots, any account that gets multiple "hits" from multiple players as being a Bot should DISAPPEAR permanently when you see that it is a Bot. A VERY SIMPLE WAY to "freeze" a Bot, BETTER than Randoms do, is when a Bot gets more than 3 or 4 hits of us REAL PLAYERS reporting them, a popup screen, like the PIN screen to open the bank, opens, blocking them from further activity until a random 4-5 digit code is entered... and if they don't enter a code within a reasonable amount of time (I would say 60 seconds) then that account is frozen until a dedicated Bot-elimination team (You talked about doubling your staff, did it include creating a Bot-elimination team?) can look into it.
Any REAL player, who might simply be playing with all communication off because they want to "be alone" (been there, done it myself on occasion) who gets one of these screens and successfully enters the random code, will not get another one during that log-in period.
That's just ONE idea for REALLY getting rid of the Bots. I got a dozen more if you are REALLY interested.

29-Aug-2012 21:21:45



Posts: 19,291 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nope they are your figures you defend them. I shall continue poking holes in your argument. Since you cannot back up your own figures why should I listen to anything you have to say when it's obviously total BS. Especially since you changed your figures and then had to resort to lvl superiority to attack me since you can't defend your own figures.

29-Aug-2012 21:22:56



Posts: 5,196 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please listen to our community it's very important without us the game wont be big as of now,

We only ask to remove Squeal of Fortune you have to agree that majority hates it because you can gain over 5m xp not even in one hour from SoF and it costs money!

I'm okay with Solomon and Loyalty shop, though i just dont like the way you guys sell bankspace for money it just makes me mad :c
i hope you guys ask us what kind of updates we like rather than just release update that nobody even asked for..

29-Aug-2012 21:22:58

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