
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Feb Member 2023


Posts: 881 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can't say my faith is completely restored. I'd like to see more action than words.
SOF and SGS doesn't really bother me in general. It's the fact you can't have a decent update without having "Along with this update, -insert some SOF addition here-" Its pathetic. I can't say I have a problem in general with SOF, I do my daily spins. Just lay off the SOF, SGS updates. You will do yourselves a big favour doing so.
I agree with 'Cold Wall' on page 20.
"If you really need money, put a donation button on the homepage and promise those money will be put into development of high quality contents.
Much friendlier than microtransaction"
I would be more willing to donate you money for keeping up with the updates, ones that make the game enjoyable, verse buying spins and stuff from the SGS. Don't get me wrong, SGS wouldn't be bad if the microtransaction part of it was taken out of the game. SGS has a lot of neat stuff on it. Someone earlier said adding 500 Runecoins a month like the loyality points. that would be perfect. Only touching on SOF & SGS because thats obviously the main problem nowadays.
Overall, you guys are dragging your game through the mud at the moment.
This message from MMG pulled you out a bit, lets hope the Q&A seals the deal.

29-Aug-2012 21:13:45

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

29-Aug-2012 21:13:50

Heidly Ees
Jun Member 2023

Heidly Ees

Posts: 5,484 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In case this feedback doesn't seem clear, I'm writing it as I read the article, so it's just in chronological order.
Okay. Clearly you haven't seen what's been happening. I've seen people tell others their stats, only to be asked how many spins it took to get them. People ASSUME now that anyone who's recently got high levels got them through micro transactions, and this is clearly not the way the game should be played.
I'm extremely glad you've decided not to directly add a cash, xp or item shop. Though the SOF virtually does this anyway, it's good to know you know your limits.
So despite what many of us believe (that you plan to leach this game dry of money until all its players leave in the next few years) you say you're actually increasing funds put into it. Assuming it isn't lies (which I hope it isn't), that's great.
Then.. BOTNUKEFTW!!! Also the Jagex Account Guardian sounds nice.
Then you go on about RS being No. 1 FREE game etc.. well if that's the case, put in some more FREE content! I'm tired of F2P being neglected.
Draw distance images: WOW. Can not wait for this!!! WHENWHENWHEN???
Also, I agree with what someone above me said: could you please just NOT update the SoF EVERY SINGLE WEEK? It really does my head in. Give us some breathing space: stop choking us with microtransactions.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.

29-Aug-2012 21:14:21 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 21:16:32 by Heidly Ees



Posts: 2,003 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I must say, i am not a huge fan of the Solomon store. I don't have a lot of money to spend on runescape. enough for a membership, but not much aside from that. i have a nagging feeling like runescape is going towards that dark side, but i am reassured because you addressed it. however, for micro transactions, if you really want to know how to do it right..... search "Extra credits Micro Transactions" and click the first link to penny arcade. they describe accurate ways to do micro transactions with out making the player feel cheated. The man who reads a thousand books is powerful. The man who memorizes a thousand books is insane.

29-Aug-2012 21:14:26

Jul Member 2020


Posts: 1,482 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actually I can just go look at all those threads that are against it.. can you show me one that likes it with more then 1k supporters?? In fact I can show you more then 4 with over 5k supporters okay.. actually your point is invalid like I said before stop trolling and go lv up ty

29-Aug-2012 21:15:15



Posts: 41 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reserving Judgement on some aspects.
But I hope you realise that for some of the legit player-base it will take a lot more than this to even start to appease us. I still feel that as long as there is the ability to buy spins using real money, and then using these spins to win XP Lamps & Gp (even more so now there is a convert to coin option) this for me, clearly represents gaining an advantage in-game and well...You all know the quote..
Solomon I could tolerate as it was purely cosmetic but then you added a bank booster. BIG NO NO in my opinion!

However will say the security thing sounds promising and the HTML5 screenshot looked nice. So i'll give you that. Also the BTS on the Al Kharid revamp looked great too so i'm looking forward to that. :)
I'm not a complete grump! :P But there's more I could go on to say thats negative. But this will do me for now.
In the unlikely circumstance that my post is actually read, yet alone given more than a seconds thought, thanks.

29-Aug-2012 21:15:19

Reckful 3

Reckful 3

Posts: 58 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"we naturally take extreme care when introducing significant changes to its gameplay." since when?
I'm sorry, but my times supporting ***ex for 7 years, and trusting them to fix the game they have happily been ruining for the past years is pointless, Screenshotting this to show you when you start selling gold. Thanks for the memories. from when your game was good.

29-Aug-2012 21:16:05



Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This was a bold news post but you haven't earned my trust or my money back.
First, great job of making some other mod post supposed MMG's words...that's really smart of you, I can so trust that *sarcasm*
You say you don't want to sell gold/exp/accounts, but this stuff has been happening whether you accept it or not. SoF and SGS are now buyable in game advantages.
This news post doesn't change much but you know actions will speak louder than words.
If you really wanted to see this game have integrity, bring back trade limits. Vast majority of bots will be wiped out and so will gold farmers. That would really help bring my trust and a lot of the community's trust in you all.
I cancelled my membership some weeks back and I'm not renewing it till I see real signs that this game will be restored to have some integrity to it. So far it's been the opposite so I'm waving my money away from you. Good day.

29-Aug-2012 21:17:10



Posts: 49 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi everyon' I could say how I feel about this but I think that someone else has already put it way better than I ever would, so, Quotation marks and enjoy :) :
"Sick of it all, Sick of it all
We will not follow
Sick of it all, Sick of it all
They don't understand how
Sick we are, Sick we are
Of this bottomless pit of lies
Behind closed eyes"
There ya go, Jagex!

29-Aug-2012 21:17:14

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