In case this feedback doesn't seem clear, I'm writing it as I read the article, so it's just in chronological order.
Okay. Clearly you haven't seen what's been happening. I've seen people tell others their stats, only to be asked how many spins it took to get them. People ASSUME now that anyone who's recently got high levels got them through micro transactions, and this is clearly not the way the game should be played.
I'm extremely glad you've decided not to directly add a cash, xp or item shop. Though the SOF virtually does this anyway, it's good to know you know your limits.
So despite what many of us believe (that you plan to leach this game dry of money until all its players leave in the next few years) you say you're actually increasing funds put into it. Assuming it isn't lies (which I hope it isn't), that's great.
Then.. BOTNUKEFTW!!! Also the Jagex Account Guardian sounds nice.
Then you go on about RS being No. 1 FREE game etc.. well if that's the case, put in some more FREE content! I'm tired of F2P being neglected.
Draw distance images: WOW. Can not wait for this!!! WHENWHENWHEN???
Also, I agree with what someone above me said: could you please just NOT update the SoF EVERY SINGLE WEEK? It really does my head in. Give us some breathing space: stop choking us with microtransactions.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
29-Aug-2012 21:14:21
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 21:16:32
Heidly Ees