I'm relieved that after months of negative feedback we finally have a response to the MTs. However, the addition of all this crap content cannot be justified by "we were losing cash from bots being banned". The elimination of botters should have been one of the top priorities for this game a long time ago, before the problem became this serious.
Think about the experience new players have when coming into the game.
The current "tutorial", while flashier than the old tutorial island, teaches players how to kill trolls and make a... some kind of a pie, I don't even know. After the player experiences all this, the first major place they would go to is the Grand Exchange, where 99% of new players will be scammed by the gamblers loitering there.
On the old tutorial island, member's only skills were not covered. However, the tutors would show players how to skill and kill to make cash. Players were shown how to use a bank, how to kill monsters from safespots, and given a basic set of tools to play the game with (much unlike how it currently is, with a stupid red cracker and a rabbit sandwich to start players off on runescape??). After leaving tutorial island, players would continue either skilling or killing monsters to make their cash on the game.
Compared to the old Runescape, these new players are entering a game where full rune can be bought off the GE after a few hours of money-making (rather than the weeks it used to take), and where rune boots are cheaper than iron boots...
Do you see where this game is going wrong? Do you see why there are now so much less legit players playing this game?
29-Aug-2012 21:12:39
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2012 21:14:48