
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, and is a core technology of the Internet originally proposed by Opera Software.[2] It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML4 as of 1997)[3] and, as of August 2012, is still under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.). HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML as well.[3]
Following its immediate predecessors HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, HTML5 is a response to the observation that the HTML and XHTML in common use on the World Wide Web are a mixture of features introduced by various specifications, along with those introduced by software products such as web browsers, those established by common practice, and the many syntax errors in existing web documents.[4* It is also an attempt to define a single markup language that can be written in either HTML or XHTML syntax. It includes detailed processing models to encourage more interoperable implementations; it extends, improves and rationalises the markup available for documents, and introduces markup and application programming interfaces (APIs) for complex web applications.[5] For the same reasons, HTML5 is also a potential candidate for cross-platform mobile applications. Many features of HTML5 have been built with the consideration of being able to run on low-powered devices such as smartphones and tablets. In December 2011 research firm Strategy Analytics forecast sales of HTML5 compatible phones will top 1 billion in 2013.[6]
In particular, HTML5 adds many new syntactical features. These include the new <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements, as well as the integration of scalable vector graphics (SVG) content (that replaces the uses of generic <object> tags) and M
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 08:15:34

Michael Bz
Mar Member 2021

Michael Bz

Posts: 530 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
so you will say "if" a player that dont have alot money irl, and want the stuff and another that do got alot irl cash. shouldent have the same chance to get cosmetic. improvement ?
how about let ppl toggle on and off to get solomon point in sof. ?
then both are equal

30-Aug-2012 08:19:48

E    X    E
Sep Member 2022

E    X    E

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex thanks for ruining Runescape... I stoped skilling and playing RS since you released Squel of Fortune... So now im just pking until my full year membership ends.
After that not a single penny for you...
Equally, many of you will know our past initiatives against botting and gold farming cost us millions of players, and certainly tens of millions of dollars.
Haha ha What a funny lie... All this article is full of Bull***..
You gonna end up in broken boat with this games after 2 years or less with these amazing and well planned updates... Good luck sinking... you already have few holes in your boat and if i could i would make few more so you will sink faster....just because i hate these people who a GREEDY for MONEY. See you in hell and i hope im not going to meet you in another game..

30-Aug-2012 08:20:13

Espada Stark

Espada Stark

Posts: 6,434 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"and have been looking anxiously at feedback from all of our community"
And yet, you choose to ignore it countless times. Some developers actually listen to us but when it comes to SOF or Soloman's shop, you ignore us.
-We have suggested a lot of alternatives when you nerfed effigies and ignored ALL of them.
-We wanted a option to never show the Yelps pop-up and you ignored that
-We wanted a option to NEVER show us ads (which is what we pay membership for) and yet, you ignored that.
-We wanted XP lamps removed from the SOF and you ignored that.
If you're trying to get the community back on your side, then you're years too late.
-Is this a trap?-

30-Aug-2012 08:21:19



Posts: 251 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The best way to defeat the bots is to eliminate the need for bots. Why do some players bot? Several reasons. First, they are lazy. They want to have the high levels and not work to get them. Then they wonder why a level 50 player with any kind of intelligence destroys them in pvp, then they whine to Jagex about them using food beyond their "level." I guess level 99 isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter? :) Second, skill training is very boring. Alot of repetition and not much of a reward or sense of accomplishment. Doing the same old routine is not very fun, even going from maples to yews to even magics. When the game feels like a 9 to 5 desk job, that is how current players and possible future players will see it. Third, money making. In case Jagex hasn't noticed, equipment is expensive and there seems to be no dependable way to make an honest living in Runescape. So, some resort to bots. Speaking of armor and such, take a few minutes to compare the Dragon Platebody and the Third Age Platebody. Third Age plate is not much better than Dragon plate, but the Third Age plate is about 15 times the cost! I posted this in another thread, which is gone now, but in my opinion, speaking to Jagex is the same as speaking to Microsoft. A dead wall with no ear. So, I believe Jagex needs to make the game itself more enjoyable so players will want to play, not use bots. Spend more time and money making quests and skill training more fun, not better prizes on the Squeal Of Misfortune. Fix what you have first, then focus on the "other" things. Also, in the first big post about the combat beta, Jagex mentioned they want players to fight monsters at our level. How about you give us some way to make the money so we can buy armor at our level so we can fight monsters at our level? Money and xp should not just be handed out, make us work for it a bit, but my highest hope for any kind of success in Runescape should not be 200 mil on the SOF, and it shouldn't take a year either. Even the smallest person can change the course of the world. Problem is that I am too short to reach the steering wheel. ^_^

30-Aug-2012 08:24:31

Shubi DuWop

Shubi DuWop

Posts: 120 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If true, this is really exciting news! Just moving to HTML5 would be a great improvement in my opinion. I suspect Java may finally soon become a "dying technology" (at least with respect to the web) as people have called it so many times in the past.
Anti-botting measures are always welcome, as are account security improvements. I've never had an issue in that area, but I know it has been a big problem for plenty of players.
However, please try to be understanding that we players don't always see eye-to-eye with you or take your words at face value. To say that you've made unpopular decisions is a gross understatement -- there have been times when the vast majority of the player base was against an "update" that went through anyway with no rational explanation. What I would like to see more than anything is open communication between Jagex and the players, where the game team truly listens to the players (and not just a few of them).
The technology upgrades are great and all; they keep the game fresh and relevant to a certain degree. But if the developers live in their own little sandbox and don't pay any attention to what the players want to see, the game won't be nearly as enjoyable as it could be. And that, more than anything, will affect the strength of RuneScape's future, in my humble opinion.

30-Aug-2012 08:24:51

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ oni
The price between dragon and 3rd age is very easy to understand
Dragon is a drop that is 100x easier to get because you can get by killing a monster.
Now for 3rd age it takes that monster to kill and get a clue drop and a very very very low chance of getting a 3rd age item with makes it rare. Then which makes it a wanted item with limited supply and large demand to make it that high price.
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 08:30:37 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 08:32:41 by MrHatN Clogs



Posts: 167 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I wonder if you considered the kids who play on thier parents dime? you have no measure in place to prevent them from spending cash without permission and ending up losing their RS account to an angry parent who feels ripped off.
NO charging "micro-payments" in-game is not right, nor smart. Raise the rate straight up, 25%, and stop the leeching method. Kids with no skin in the game so to speak won't think twice about spending another $50 a month on the trinkets you are tossing at them.

30-Aug-2012 08:33:17



Posts: 1,427 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If Jagex really wants the community to support them they need to actually listen for once. The best thing they can do is make a better game. There are plenty of ways they could introduce micro-transactions without interfering with game-play.
They instead just threw together the Squeal of Fortune with no limits imposed on it to anyone with a credit card as well as the General Store update which now includes extra bank space which is a clear in-game advantage.
If they want to boost community support they need to focus on ridding the game of bots, the Evolution of Combat and removing cash based advantages. I know several players wanting to come back to the game for the new combat system. Which is quite shocking that people are renewing membership on accounts that are 7-8 years old for an update.
There are a few things I will applaud Jagex on though. First, they are no longer the secretive faceless company they were a few years ago and are somewhat trying to be a part of the community developed inside their game. But, they still know so little about those of us who have poured countless hours into our accounts.
Second, the Loyalty Rewards were a very nice touch to thank those of us that have been part of the community for so long. Even though, I have no idea what to spend the points on.

30-Aug-2012 08:35:02

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