Please please PLEASE stop shoving SoF and Solomon's in our face! All we're getting are BS updates every single week from these two cancers. Your marketing tactics are AGGRESSIVE as heck. You can't log in anymore without an in-game ad for either SoF or Solomon's. I remember when you guys would have a cute Message of the Week on the initial log in screen. Now we get a gaudy advert for either Yolomon's general store or Yolo's SoF. It is absolutely revolting.
To get to the pure game, this is what i have to do:
1. Type in information
2. Carefully decline the obnoxious trial offer that I get (that you can't decline permanently)
3. Close the in-game RWTing ads (and check the "do not show this again" box)
4. Close out SoF (which you can't disable either)
5. At this point you're technically done, but the Goldfarmer Adbot's will absolutely tear up your textbox, and you need to ignore these.
If RuneScape NEEDS microtransactions, I can understand that, but they should, at the very least give the REAL players of this game a breather; and calm down their "Master of Business Administation" syndrome with SoF and Solomon's, reduce the amount of Coins and XP in SoF, and focus more on REAL content.
Solomon's also undercuts membership. You should be allowed all the content of RuneScape when you pay membership; and paying extra for anything is just silly. And this is coming from someone that has never been a member in his 6 years of this game, if I may add.
Although this was pretty much a rant, I want to thank Mod MMG deeply for this statement since we have been ranting about microtransactions since their release, and without a lot of response from Jagex.
The majority of the RuneScape community wants IVP's money-crazed and devious brains as far away from RuneScape content as possible, and let the true gaming geniuses run this game; but it looks the costumer is alway's WRONG when it comes to RuneScape.
~ This is Edge, signing off.
30-Aug-2012 09:03:30