Ok everyone, please stay on topic. As a multi-year player with a 5year cape myself, I will admit it's been a roller coaster weathering the storms of change on RS. But, the original post was (hopefully) written with sincerity -> the game comes first, and I for one appreciate that.
Given how little xp the lamps give in SOF, I certainly don't mind them and frankly enjoy when I get one. It helps with expensive skills for those of us not with the gp making skill (as ZAZU so eloquently put it).
The biggest frustrations for me over the years have always been the website advertisers and the bots. For the advertisers, I always report every single one I run into (firstly to get them booted, secondly to get them ignored). But I can't report bots, and they drive me nuts. I recently ran into a virtual bot highway for mining pure ess in Varrock. Unacceptable, very upsetting, and frankly - embarrassing for the game. So any progress at all in this respect is greatly appreciated.
As an adult player who enjoys playing with his son, I applaud and thank the RS team. Making it in this industry is tough (lookup what happened to NetDevil and Lego Universe); some of the changes I will like, some I won't, but as long as they stay true to their word and keep the botters - spammers - trouble makers out, I'll remain a loyal player.
30-Aug-2012 19:53:30