
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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29-Aug-2012 22:52:15

Apr Member 2014


Posts: 7,363 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While I do not agree with the Squeal and Soloman updates, if there's one thing that I dislike more than those two combined - it's the lack of communication, dishonesty, and beating around the bush that this company has been giving to its customers.
Regardless of my views, I'm content with the honesty here. So thank you for at least being upfront about it, Jagex.

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29-Aug-2012 22:52:20



Posts: 30 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thanks for this post jagex alot of people have been screaming out for more transparency but i think that helps bot sites/rs gold sites. i remember the last bot nuke and it was very public pretty much everyone knew when it was happening why what it was targeting hopefully keeping content like this hidden until its actually released may cut down on many problems. on the sof/sgs i for one hate it but looks like its needed for now but please try cut down on the updates with it. Also there was alot of talk between players about having more total lvl worlds and putting in QUEST POINT worlds which i think would be a massive step forward in the right direction even say a 50quest point world but pretty much destroy all these lvl 3 bots that are gold farming for sites/players. getting 50 quest points isnt too hard but will take maybe a few hours? but atleast its players actually Playing the game plus keeping normal worlds will concentrate the bots thus they will be fighting eachother for resources i.e hunter spots ore rocks tree the list goes on it would make the bots less effective because there will be soo many crammed into 1 world and then jagex can either use them to study/roll back/ban. Also quest point worlds will make players actually play the game and try things they thought they might not like so it looks to me as a win win situation the community will applaud you if you make quest point worlds of course you,ll get the few player owned bots in these worlds but if you reset/ban their main accounts i doubt they will be botting again anytime soon
It will be interesting in these coming months when the eoc is in place and all these updates jagex have talked about i think we wont see the true benefit of them all on the game for some months but i have faith it will be good in the long run

29-Aug-2012 22:53:04

Samoht Gnir

Samoht Gnir

Posts: 2,359 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do like that you are all thinking long term, but there are things that still bug me. I don't like how I have to pay to have everything in the the game (emotes/costumes/etc). It is better than selling xp, but I think you really need to watch what items you are putting on the wheel. Items like the lamps and necklaces of skill could in theory be 'bought' by someone buying lots of spins. This is still a sore spot by a lot of players.

29-Aug-2012 22:53:25

Simply B

Simply B

Posts: 126 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"They aren't directly selling GP or XP, try reading again to make sure you fully understand what's going on and by the way, 200m gp is way too rare, if it's based on that fact."
Yes they are. They are selling exp quite effectively actually, it has been calculated the exp rate they sell per hour. Also, you're saying that it's okay to sell gold if it's "rare." What about the uncommon 500k reward? You can convert every spin into gold now, so every spin bought is gold.

29-Aug-2012 22:54:17

Dec Member 2017


Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have never seen such a group of nagging little children in my life! If you don't like it GET OUT! I have played this game for over 10 years and have watched it evolve into what it is now. While yes i don't agree with micro transactions, i cannot say whether or not they are truly needed to boost revenue to expand the game or what the deal is but i don't use it and if you don't like it then don't use it.
@Jagex Dev team, thank you for listening to the community on the porting of the game to tablets(and hopefully android phones) and i look forward to using it.
As a side suggestion, remove the purchasing of spins for squeal of fortune or make it that purchased spins cannot be used to get coins and exp. Spins as a reward for completing quests and such was a great idea but in the long run, allowing the purchase of spins is a dangerous game. I may or may not be heard on what I've written but i hope somebody sees it.

29-Aug-2012 22:54:18

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