
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798



Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Noble Matrix
"You are in fact selling gold and xp and you lied about it in your post! Yeah you arent selling it directly but becasue you buy spins therefore getting xp lamps and items changed to gold you are in fact selling gold and xp. Even though I am totally against this if it takes away the bots and someone wants to spend mommies and daddies money on something you should be earning yourself, whatever. Il tolerate it as long as bots start going away. "
They havent stated that they arent selling gold and xp.
And could you tell me what the connection is between SOF and the removal of bots?
As far as i see it there is none.

30-Aug-2012 11:06:53

Jul Member 2014


Posts: 236 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What are the chances that this "Jagex Account Guardian" will be another Micro-Transaction?????
Jagex, I love Runescape, and always have done, but you seem to go out of your way to come up with such utter cr*p. 200M ACCOUNTS>PLAYERS. Statistically, if you had 200M players, surely that would indicate they would all be playing. Now let's look at how many of those are botted accounts........ I'm sure that 199M people have better things to be doing than playing Runescape, let's think realistically.
ANYWAY, that is besides the point.
How about actually listening to your players for once, and maybe put a pole, or several poles up about your updates and maybe you'd be able to see whether WE AS PLAYERS enjoy it or not. Your constant microtransaction updates are annoying a lot of legitimate players, and let's not forget the whole:
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape." which has disappeared off of your site. I'm sure that was in the "Honour" section. Well, you seem to have lost that.
Thank you.
Once you have perceived that life is very
, the only response is to live with as much humanity, humour and freedom as you can.

30-Aug-2012 11:14:09 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 11:31:12 by Debzz



Posts: 293 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex havent stated that they are using SOF money to combat bots.
What they have said is: " Over the past 18 months, we have ploughed the majority of our revenue back into the game to guarantee its future over the decade to come."
Note they havent said how they are trying to do this. Might not have anything to do with bots.

30-Aug-2012 11:14:50



Posts: 816 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MMG,
Thanks for this briefing. I am slightly dissappointed because it took so long to give an explanation as simple as this one.
So, at least it is atmitted that at a certain point, there was an idea of directly selling gold/xp and accounts. I'm glad that went down the pipe.
But, concerning the extra revenue of solomon/Yelps... I take it that the "regular" membership fee will be frozen for at least the next few years?

30-Aug-2012 11:20:37



Posts: 340 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
remove scam of fortune, make sgs cosmetic only and no1 will complain. its the fact that you have been slowly moving towards a pay to win scenario that is upsetting people.
Selling bank spaces is on the VERY EDGE of pay to win.... i honestly hope it stops there.

30-Aug-2012 11:26:30



Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
why don't remove SOF and increase the prices to buy membership, then we can play runescape the way it was. because it looks like you guys are low on $$.. putting all those microtransaction updates in the game

30-Aug-2012 11:29:46

Aug Member 2022


Posts: 131 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You say that the micro-transactions pay for Runescape, but I remember in the past when you were looking for people to work for JaGex you were advratising things like the GYM at the workplace, and a lot more diffrent things that a work-place does not need. I don't want you to lie and say the money is going towards the game when it's most proberly just to get more useless things for you guys at JaGex HQ...
If you need more money, then make people pay more for membership you gain more from the squeels/SoF but I bet people would prefer it..
Also, i'm sure another award will go to JaGex soon, most hated game by there own community.
Finally If you could pay for rs for 11 years without squeels and sof, why can't you now? because of more updates then stop updating the game and leave it how it is but remove SoF and Squeels..

30-Aug-2012 11:31:48



Posts: 666 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You've given a vet new faith Mark,please don't waste it.
I love this game and want to stay for as long as possible, and you've given a life line to yourself in your almost inspirational post, please don't dissapoint.
Oh and make me a P-mod,8 years of playing, not one report aimed at me, you know you wanna ;p.
But seriously, this post has given me faith in Jagex, don't let me or the community down.

30-Aug-2012 11:34:27

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