@Haa Haa Jink.
Your opinions are in vain.
Whatever we do, Jagex can say this, Jagex can say that.
We all know there will be nothing solved in the end.
Which is what Mark doing now is giving some promises in the end while they still continue abusing what used to be their own rules.
It's time we ALL face the truth, what has happened, can't be reverted, nor will be.
Runescape was a glorious game, and will always keep its fame, but the game-experience now differs from what it was before. Not because of solely Jagex itself, also because of ourself.
"Boo Runescape sucks so bad now!"
Yet these players keep playing 5H/Day atleast.
If you don't like a game, then quit. Ranting about your own game will bring you nothing but a boring, Runescape adventure. It's time you say your good-byes.
While it may be hard, it's not impossible.
Now, I leave again.
Twas fun playing this game, twas my childhood.
But in the end, we all grow up or rather out of this game.
You gave me a good time, which I will cherish.
30-Aug-2012 10:56:09