
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

My my

My my

Posts: 289 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Haa Haa Jink.
Your opinions are in vain.
Whatever we do, Jagex can say this, Jagex can say that.
We all know there will be nothing solved in the end.
Which is what Mark doing now is giving some promises in the end while they still continue abusing what used to be their own rules.

It's time we ALL face the truth, what has happened, can't be reverted, nor will be.
Runescape was a glorious game, and will always keep its fame, but the game-experience now differs from what it was before. Not because of solely Jagex itself, also because of ourself.
"Boo Runescape sucks so bad now!"
Yet these players keep playing 5H/Day atleast.
If you don't like a game, then quit. Ranting about your own game will bring you nothing but a boring, Runescape adventure. It's time you say your good-byes.
While it may be hard, it's not impossible.
Now, I leave again.
Twas fun playing this game, twas my childhood.
But in the end, we all grow up or rather out of this game.
You gave me a good time, which I will cherish.

30-Aug-2012 10:56:09

Apr Member 2014


Posts: 2,650 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game."
What would you do if the majority of the stock holders wants you to implement these updates in the game? As far as I know, they decide what happens in a company.

30-Aug-2012 10:57:33

Farm Matrix

Farm Matrix

Posts: 1,691 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of let me say that Runescape is the only game I have kept playing for years! Any other game I start I eventually quit but I cant stop playing runescape.
You are in fact selling gold and xp and you lied about it in your post! Yeah you arent selling it directly but becasue you buy spins therefore getting xp lamps and items changed to gold you are in fact selling gold and xp. Even though I am totally against this if it takes away the bots and someone wants to spend mommies and daddies money on something you should be earning yourself, whatever. Il tolerate it as long as bots start going away.
Even though we (the players) complain and ask for change on simple things like a mute on banners for those who could care less what someones stats are, Jagex does not seem to care. You are going to take YOUR game and go where YOU want it too. I think the combat update comming up is going to ***** the game up massively and as far as the forumns read so do alot of others players, but you have already invested so much money that no matter what anyone posts you will change what you want. So all in all the forumns are useless in getting our point across.
It would show a little appreciation if you let us vote on what we wanted changed. New quests and graphics updates are of course welcomed but changing big things like the wildy few years ago and the combat system now should be voted on and approved by us (the players)
Noble Matrix

30-Aug-2012 10:57:51

Aug Member 2010


Posts: 1,371 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
there will always be bots and gold farmers, lets face it.
but the difference between 10000000 bots and just a few is what I will happily put up with SOF for.
It is clear there are far fewer bots than just a mth ago, and the new update in 2wks is set to reduce that number even more. If this is what SOF is paying for then long may it continue.
Aimme x

30-Aug-2012 10:58:34

Jun Member 2005


Posts: 3,449 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok going off Topic, but hopefully someone will take note of this, and the fact i don't like the idea of micro-transactions. If it means RS remains as a game, and doesnt go bankrupt, then i deem this necessary. If it is just to raise more revenue to fund a bigger team who then feel the need to throw more content like sqweel down our throats then i deem this unnessary updates.
Sqweel is essentially selling GP and XP in the form of gambling. So please don't try and tell us otherwise. The second part of your e-mail was a smokescreen for the topic.
Back to my off topic (aka cutting through the smokescreen).
How about this for an idea, which will not be 100% popular with a lot of lazy people.
For all resource gathering/buyable skills. Make these open market for trading outwith the GE.
Old Runescape before GE was an exciting marketplace where everyone had their own price they were willing to pay for items, in small amounts or massive bulk.
How about bringing this back into the game for certain items, and the likes of 1 off purchase items like armour etc remain within the GE.
It would also give people more incentive to skill gathering skills, if the prices sales prices becomes better.
2476 Total :D

30-Aug-2012 11:00:14 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 11:02:56 by krewlness

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Am I the only one made really nervous by this comment:
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game."

They KNOW that selling gold, XP and accounts would generate 10 - 15 times more than the current microtransactions.
Someone, somewhere in Jagex HQ sat down and crunched the numbers on how much money they would make doing this - and it's obviously a lot.
That information is now sitting in a file somewhere waiting until IVP/Spectrum decide that they want to squeeze more money out of the playerbase and then they'll introduce it and ignore the cries of outrage.

As for the "we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game" comment from MMG, I give you a few more pearls of wisdom from the CEO and Jagex (see if you can see a pattern):
"A lot of free players told us they found our video adverts before the game annoying to the point it was putting them off playing, so we've scrapped them with immediate effect. We now appreciate that it can be frustrating having to sit through a video advert when you just want to play RuneScape, so we have to put our hands up to admit we made a mistake and say that we're sorry." - Mark Gerhard.
"To start off with, we want to be more open and listen to our players. Some of you may consider Jagex a secretive and closed-off company which isn't how we want to be perceived moving forward." - Mark Gerhard.
"A gentle introduction of item sales over time could possibly be introduced, PROVIDING OUR AUDIENCE IS HAPPY WITH IT”. - Rob Smith, Jagex (1 week before buyable spins).

Place your bets on when they'll go back on the selling of gold, XP and/or accounts!

30-Aug-2012 11:02:31

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