oh i see where your coming from. that 20 ok logs i converted into 1k coins is making you jelous right? a that 300 xp from that small xp lamp getting on your ****? absolutely pathetic. do you know how childish it is to care that much about what other people are doing.
"Everyone having an even chance with the Squeal of Fortune wouldn't be so bad. But, the fact is, you can buy additional spins. You can buy as many as you can afford. Thus, giving you an unfair advantage over another player who can't afford to spend money as frivolously."
Honestly why all the explaining. If he can't figure this out by himself he's just right for RWT scape 2012 and all the RWTers and few lost legits and millions of bots around him.
The amount of gold or experience received is irrelevant. Who receives it is also irrelevant. The fact is, it's a form of RWT - something that Jagex a company supposedly dripping with "integrity" is soooo against.
Yet, they painted over it, called it something else and refuse to admit that it is, what it is. A hole, is a hole, is a hole.
whats to figure out? believe it or not i play runescape for myself and unlike you i do not care how other people are obtaining there levels since it does not effect me.
No they can raise the money another way and idm at all how long it takes.
The updates and NOTHING is worth SoF. If you want I will lend you a tenner if you remove SoF. If not I may well go mad irl and sue you for mental damage.
So is members a form of real world trade since it gives members a extra spin daily which is obviously unfair on the free player (vague look of resignation)
yes it does since people are evading the fact that most of the complainers here are just jumping on the "i hate jagex and all they stand for" bandwagon.