You've already lost me as a valuable member. I for one do not believe that you are dedicated to making the game better. No one cares if you doubled the team size of development. Based on the current updates, you went from 1 person to 2.
I can't help but continue to laugh at you Jagex. After 8 years of playing, all you've done is repeatedly let players down over the last 2 years. And this "bot-nuke," is a freaking joke. You said, oh it'll be May, nope June, nope July, nope in a few weeks, and again, in a few weeks. Just fess up and admit that you can't beat them.
This game is such a joke now. I used to rave about it, now all I can do is hate it because the updates and content continues to get worse, not better.
30-Aug-2012 20:20:32