
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The xp lamps dont give small amounts of xp. I get 17k for a medium lamp (which I get atleast once a day).

30-Aug-2012 19:57:17



Posts: 478 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
YouTube: Mark Gerhard Live Stream announced!
30 seconds
Only two visible non-stickied threads:
- Thanks MMG
- Okay with microtransactions
Coincidence? I think not.
Why not apply for a job in North-Korea mr Gerhard? I am sure that they will appreciate your advanced propaganda techniques.

30-Aug-2012 20:02:27

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 858 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You've already lost me as a valuable member. I for one do not believe that you are dedicated to making the game better. No one cares if you doubled the team size of development. Based on the current updates, you went from 1 person to 2.
I can't help but continue to laugh at you Jagex. After 8 years of playing, all you've done is repeatedly let players down over the last 2 years. And this "bot-nuke," is a freaking joke. You said, oh it'll be May, nope June, nope July, nope in a few weeks, and again, in a few weeks. Just fess up and admit that you can't beat them.
This game is such a joke now. I used to rave about it, now all I can do is hate it because the updates and content continues to get worse, not better.

30-Aug-2012 20:20:32



Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When I had first started playing Runescape years back there was already a near perfect anti-bot system in effect: Dangerous random events. I speak of course of the Evil Chicken, Shades, Ents, etc. These powerhouses spawning would always either force a human player to fall back or if they are prepared, fight back for a nice reward. A bot would be killed by such events 9/10 times i would see them encounter one. I know that getting chased down by them may seem frustrating but its still a whole lot more effective to deal with bots than anything else ive seen done since. My suggestion is to bring those events back and give them a reward such as a small Exp lamp for those who manage to kill them. But ensure that killing them is complex enough that it requires some humn input such as using prayer or the random using anti-melee, etc to give players an edge but harm bots reactons.

30-Aug-2012 20:28:11



Posts: 398 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can't say I am a fan of Micro-transactions but I do understand that they are necessary. However, I feel the content that is paid for should also be earn-able through in-game content. The Squeel of Fortune already allows people to do this (Granted, I you should be able to earn spins faster). Solomons Store, on the other hand, you have to pay to get this content. Even though these items don't greatly change the game, economy, etc., players are unable to earn these items through other means in-game. This completely eliminates the integrity that is trying to be kept by saying this is in order to keep the game to progress.
If JaGex wants to keep the integrity the have built up and earned over the years then they should give players a certain amount of the coins used in Solomons Store either every day (like with the Squeel of Fortune) or every month (like with the Members Loyalty Programme).

30-Aug-2012 20:51:42

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