
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 2,812 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If SOF or exp and gp items on SOF are not removed,this is a pointless exercise.
Tell us if this is happening so we don't waste time hanging on.
A simple, yes we will stop selling exp and gp via sof or no, we will continue on the route
we have taken.
Saves you time and gives us a chance to find a mt game that doesn't require you to pay membership as well.

30-Aug-2012 09:28:13



Posts: 117 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been scrolling and reading true the most of the feedback here and 2 things caught my attention.
1) Only positive feedback and usefull ideas gets "rewarded" my Jmod responces.
So maybe this is a msg our opinion on the subject as a community is known and they are also looking to make it happen without to much impect on the game.
2) Dasn't anyone see that the big anti-bot update is the EOC?????
Think about it.....all the gameplay involving killing stuff for GP will change bigtime.
Afk gold farming will be far less profitable and making it efficient will get more complicated and therefore better detectable.
So in principle this is a good plan.
Only thing overlooked here is that loads of games work on the priciple of hotbars and rage (adrenaline) generation. So it will only take some small adjustments to already excisting programing to make them suitable for usage in RS.
Yes, the scrips will get a bit more complicated but ones they figure it out bots will be back with the same numbers.
Being a pvm coordinator for my clan I have been playing the beta quite a lot to come up with the best stratagies and come up with guides shorty after the update.
If you logg into the beta today on less busy times (non EU and US mainstream playtimes) you can already see the first test bots appear@ places like grottworms, avananies and now even at places like zammy spiritual mages.
If posseble I would like to see a Jmod responce on these oberservations and concerns.

30-Aug-2012 09:30:11



Posts: 103 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i would not give this post a molocule of credit jagex will just go back on its "word" and "promises" as always.
remeber kids, jagex is lies incarnate and there is a special circle of hell for its entire Dev team, and nobody is trustworthy.

just kidding about the hell part if jagex have proved anything its the is no such thing as justice...

i am also dreading the html5 update as it looks like it will improve runescapes
graphics thus boost its system req.

30-Aug-2012 09:35:46

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is that all you can say really come on now. Since your soo smart thinking that grammar means something let me give you a simple example of the world around you. One english is spoken in many different ways and terms. No one anyone understands "Proper" english anymore because slang has taken over the language. So simple fact is that everyday all around you grammar is mis-used a lot. Two last time i checked "Proper" grammar doesn't influence the way you can make money in the world which is really what makes the world go round. Its skill sets that matter and the knowledge no one else has. I could be a college drop out with no experience with any type of literature but if i know how to create something that no one else can. I'd make more than the average bachelor degree people.
So giant oil typhoons in russia. creator of myspace facebook and millions of other people without proper knowledge of grammar have designed and created things the world uses everyday. Somehow your argument saying i have bad grammar is shot down.
Lets give another example. My father has a high school diploma and no college but makes 2x the amount of money my mother does and she have a masters degree.
And many of my neighbors and friends are without higher than a college degree and have made themselves wealthy without needing any "grammar" because they pay someone to do it for them. So please enlighten me How does your argument against me deal with countless of examples of Your so called Grammar proves intelligence show any weight?
And in my mind i don't have to be right because every time you read a book or etc. you will see that i am right because i don't talk unless i back up with proof.
Unlike you i actually having a footing on reality not just what i'm taught to think.
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 09:36:45

RZ Pippy
Aug Member 2023

RZ Pippy

Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello any JMod, have you ever seen a runescape gold add on youtube or facebook? I have, and they are all over the place, and as far as I know, it wouldn't be hard for you to send an e-mail to them saying something like "It has come to our attention that you are selling runescape gold, could you please remove your adds from youtube, facebook and the like". Anyway, i hope the bot nuke works (I'm calling bot nuke because i hope it will kill all the bots ^.^) because since you did the last one, the amount of bots seem to have doubled.
Hello anyone who is reading this btw :)

30-Aug-2012 09:40:00

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

30-Aug-2012 09:44:25

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