We've already had 34 pages of people explaining the extreme flaws in the logic of "not selling gold or xp" so I'll skip those. Rather, I'd like to criticize the section about the extra revenue going towards keeping the game running and producing new content.
Yes, having a SOF or SGS update at least once a week with little actual game content to speak of in between is aggravating but it's far more aggravating when these updates come before fixes to problems in-game.
Many people may not know this as not everyone plays Stealing Creation regularly or at least within the past few weeks. However, for about 2 weeks there was a major glitch in SC in that if you walked into a fog bank while you had a familiar following you, the familiar would disappear and you couldn't call it or summon a new one. Anyone who has played SC, and particularly those of us who play non-combat sc to gather tools for skilling, will know that familiars are of critical importance to the game both to hold extra supplies or clay and to deposit your items at the end of the game as the majority of your points comes from depositing. Hundreds of people submitted bug reports in-game about this and posted threads on the forums altering Jagex to the problem.
It took over two weeks to fix what was a simple bug and even after it was fixed there were still issues with familiars in sc for a few more days (they suddenly disappeared while you were skilling and such).
Yes, i understand that you're busy but when you come out with 3 or 4 updates to SOF and SGS during the same time and the bug still doesn't get fixed, i see a major problem here. In the future, I'd suggest that before updating the things that are "providing revenue to keep the game running" you make sure that everything is actually running properly!!!
I'm sure this isn't the only time something like this has happened but it's the one i noticed. Hopefully jagex takes this to heart and if they don't at least people heard about it.
29-Aug-2012 19:48:25