
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Dec Member 2023


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@S 81
"Can you still 'discard' items from sof? Didn't they replace all the 'discard' option into 'convert to coin' option. With almost everything on the soF? "
= Same as discard in this case, the junk isnt worth anything and btw, you can still claim it and drop.

29-Aug-2012 23:11:27



Posts: 3,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Smoke and Mirrors.... SoF IS selling gold and experience. When Jagex is done with this and everyone is used to micro-transactions, the items and the real gp sales will commence. Too many lies throughout the years have disproven any genuinity that Jagex intends to represent.
Buy spins and support Yelp's escapade to Ruinscape.
Not a big fan of Solomon but at least everything besides the bank update is cosmetic. The banner is definitely something that interesteds me.
I could see some long term members beginning to support Solomon if you tied the loyalty program into it... and not just since you decided to launch the loyalty progarm. Recognize the people who truly have supported Runescape throughout all of these (debatably horrendous) updates? You can see how long I have consistently been "loyal" with my Runescape membership, which deserves more credit than has ever been shown to me. Why don't you make the loyalty program retroactive to the month and day our memberships began? I could see you making amends to a lot in the community if you actually did show appreciation to long term members and it may tie in nicely with your micro-transaction campaign if you executed it properly.
Your current state of doing business seems to bee look to the future, which is great as I would love to see this game get better, but any historian would tell you not to forget about your past, no matter where your future lies.

29-Aug-2012 23:11:45

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 2,626 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And +1 @ Drunk Boi
It's not a matter of how much money or xp, its the fact that it's actually possible to purchase gold and xp which is in direct contradiction to everything Jagex claims to stand for.

And congratz, you have a blue phat. I'm guessing you probably worked hard for that (or you gambled or merched in which case your stance doesn't surprise me at all....) Now how would you feel if i went and bought 50k spins and made enough money to buy an entire phat set? Your efforts are now worthless because i can just go get the same thing or better in less time simply because i have enough money in real life. No, i dont actually have enough to do that but some people do and when they can just go buy the levels and gold then it makes our accomplishments pretty worthless. Its essentially the same as someone taking your phat and exchanging it with a bronze helm. You worked hard for it and now it has no meaning and no worth.

29-Aug-2012 23:12:19 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 23:16:47 by Cpkl2

Oct Member 2020


Posts: 1,618 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol.. Is all I can say.
Glad my membership runs out the 1st of septemer.
The game I used to love had crappy graphics and a mature and happy community.
Today it's all the opposite.. thanks Jagex..
- Southbird. Maxed player.

29-Aug-2012 23:12:32

Aidna Sola
May Member 2022

Aidna Sola

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I know you guys need to make money. You have bills to pay, content to make, equipment to maintain, legal fees to pay, and investors to placate. I get it--which is why I'm not opposed to micro-transactions, when they're in keeping with the spirit of the game and the values Jagex wants to abide by. I don't mind the idea of paying a bit extra for cosmetics. I do, however, mind putting in-game advantages up for sale. That's contrary to your own values as a company.
I think the community as a majority fears that this will be the inevitable place we land: having to shell out to be on equal footing--even after having already subbed. It's a legitimate fear on our part, even if you swear the game will never get to that point. It's not your fault, but you must still understand that we've seen it happen time and again, with other games we play. They start out offering an advantage for a nice little one-off payment and say, "It's okay, you don't /need/ it to play the game!" As time goes on, more and more of the content requires micro-transactions, until it gets to the point where you can't realistically play without it--you may still play, but the game's so gimped that you're basically just being stubborn.
I'm a firefighter/EMT. I don't make a lot of money. The society we live in makes it very clear to me what my time is worth compared to, say, a professional athlete--the comparative sizes of our paychecks speak louder than anything. That's the real world. I want to play in a game world where I can advance based on my own merit, not based on how much extra cash I have lying around.
I guarantee you that this community doesn't want to play in that kind of environment, and we need reassurance (in deeds) that that's not the direction this game is going.
Maybe Jagex and the players should get together on Kickstarter and buy back majority shares from IVP. Seriously, forget those guys. They don't play, and they don't care about players.

29-Aug-2012 23:12:40



Posts: 691 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Qp, this is on.. page 1:
"We place immense value in our - and your - game's integrity, feedback from our community, and continually improving the game experience for all,..." - Mod MMG
If they didn't want our complaints, they would just lock this thread right now.

29-Aug-2012 23:13:06

Zombie Crook
May Member 2008

Zombie Crook

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am pretty sure this will never result in anything that will be helpful but here goes. I am against the combat update that will proceed regardless of how many people object to it. If I wanted to play a labor intensive game, I would. The combat update will completely change RS. As for future updates which will enhance RS, I'll believe that when I see it.

29-Aug-2012 23:14:06 - Last edited on 29-Aug-2012 23:16:22 by Zombie Crook

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