lets be honest here. this game sadly has been going downhill for the past year. i have little hope it will stick around much longer. the most stable and enjoyable point in my rs career - summer-fall of 2011. i wish everyday that jagex would restore the game to that point in time, and not change it at all after that. we all know there is no possible way this will happen. but honestly, i think that would pull me and a lot of other players back. of course if they would add a 2006-2007 version of the game onto the website (kind of like rs classic) that would be AMAZING. but they've already stated they won't add an "outdated" version of the game onto the website. like i said earlier, maybe actually LISTEN to the feedback from players, instead of asking for it and completely ignoring it and going ahead with your pointless and game-ruining updates, this game might be a little more fun.
29-Aug-2012 23:20:08