I would really like to believe this statement by Mark G. is true and so for now I will. I, like most people, have and always will be against micro-transactions but if Jagex says the money gained from them is going to be used to better the game then for now I will believe them. Obviously I cannot trust them to remain true to this statement, none of us can really.
Here's my mentality for it, maybe some of you can relate but I'm guessing the just of you will disagree.
I play RuneScape because i'd like to spend my free time unwinding from real life playing video games. Consoles/gaming pc's are expensive, games are expensive, and online gaming is expensive. At least more expensive than a monthly membership for RuneScape is. I chose to play RuneScape because it is the cheapest way to entertain myself. Now I do not need cosmetic features to obtain that entertainment so I will never personally buy anything that alters pure cosmetics of the game. As for SoF spins, I have better things to spend my money on. My children and my wife are more important than some game. In the end if I were to spend my money on SoF spins I would gain more xp and in game gold which I would rather earn myself and feel a small sense of accomplishment for it. For those of you who chose to buy anything from SoF or Solomon, more power to you. You obviously have more money than me to waste and if you would like to spend it on little imaginary items made out of pixels, I will say it's a very poor choice but thank you for supplying Jagex with the means to make the game better for me.
Thanks for reading,
Creepy Phil
30-Aug-2012 01:51:06