It's just crap. Just some words to reassure the naive players. Also very weak that they post images of futures updates, to let us think away of how horrible this game has become. Also very weak to see how they do the botnuke now to let us restore our faith in Jagex, while the botnuke has been deferred for a half year and bots are already been back for more than a half year.
Oh, MMG also says:
"For example, we know that directly selling gold, XP or even accounts would generate between 10 to 15 times more revenue than Squeal or Solomon’s Store generates combined. However, we simply won’t do it, because we don’t believe it’s the right thing for the long-term health of the game."
This is just one big lie. The only reason why they've put the Squeal of Fortune in-game IS because gambling gives a very high revenue.
At last, the image. Also here they're 'cheating'. On the left they have fully zoomed in, while they fully zoomed out on the right. This is why the left image seems more uglier. Also funny to see there's a glitch on the minimap of the right image. It wouldn't surprise me if bloom is off on the left image, while it's on on the right image.
The post of Mod MMG is just crap
(Sorry for my bad english btw ;p, it isn't my native language)
29-Aug-2012 20:35:29