Jagex should do what some other game studios are doing and make everything that is available through RWT in SgS buyable with Loyalty Points. Then, if players want to, they can purchase RuneCoins with real world money and get the things in the stores for a cheaper amount.
ie: sell a cosmetic costume for 100 Rune coins but make it 1000 LP (or whatever the correct amount would be)
that way all players will always have access to the same things, but if they want to spend their actual $ and get it sooner, they can while at the same time not hurting other players' ability to get it later.
I think you guys should also stop selling spins on SoF for $, or at least make it possible to buy spins with Loyalty points.
While I know you guys are adamant about the fact that players are not 'buying' gold or xp, at the end of the day, if i buy spins, i WILL have more gold and xp than before i purchased them.
29-Aug-2012 18:38:23