Jagex... you would be surprised at how effectively superior this game would be compared to all the other's if it were for honesty and sticking to it's values. I came back to Runescape after the free trade was implemented again and despite all the other graphically superior MMO'S out there, i sticked with runescape because of it's originality. You see, Runescape had something differen't from all the other MMO's.
Obviously you guys ARE going down with the ship as nobody would seriously care to play this game anymore once it becomes a copy of all the other MMO's with the hotkey functions / micro transactions / commercialized gameplay and last but not least... sad attempts to revitalize the game by going against your own principles and promises to the players by continuing to LIE to yourselves and LIE to us.
The average Runescape player may be an IDIOT for he or she found their way here thanks to an advertisement on CARTOON NETWORK and may be no older than 7-12 years old.
But in the end you will only be left with kids who grow up on this game, it becomes their life, zombies with no real purpose in life. They will eventually find out how they were sucked into this stupidity and law suits from ****** off parents will easily follow. It's a miracle you guys have even kept your so called "integrity" so far. Ever since the american investor came into play... the game has wreaked of saltwater, you know? The same kind where Titanic sank in.
30-Aug-2012 05:39:57