
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Oblv Smile

Oblv Smile

Posts: 467 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex i am going to do my best to portray the views of the community. you say jagex listens to the community****
currently well over 50% of players are fighting the combat beta (i am estimating 80% or more). (i enjoyed it at first but its to labor intensive to play). you are still spending money and pushing forward with this update.
when you removed free trade and pvp people fought it for years. when challenged on this fact your respond that it was to save the game from destruction. well you destroyed the game even more because you didn't listen to the community.
and in regards to what your sell in solomon store / squeal of fortune. you are constantly getting closer to selling gp and accounts. you offered 400m as a prize. many people bought spins just to try to win that. you offered a new discontinued item. again people bought spins to win it.
and now your selling bank space. that's the one thing that makes me want to punch my computer monitor. zartye bows item id is 20171 so there were over 20k items in the game 2 years ago. we can only hold 566.
if you want to see the views of community, the forums aren't the best place. people dont want to speak there mind to you. we speak our minds to eachother. go to youtube watch a video of runescape, past to present. read the comments. you will realize just how upset the community is.
so dont tell lies to our face you might trick players that have played for 1 year. but i have played since 2003. and i am tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching this game crash and burn. jagex i know you have a lot of plans for the game. keeping them locked up in your HQ then releasing them and not changing them is going to bury you.
lets list this
the new private hunting areas aren't private, new place for bots to hunt, not amazing xp.
buying bank space. doesn't need explaining. no game do this. (or at least no game should)
i just sat there going through runescapes homepage news. no REAL updates except the chincompa. take a look

30-Aug-2012 05:40:23

Oblv Smile

Oblv Smile

Posts: 467 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
in the past month you have released the gilanor games and the private hunter. and the beloved solomon store. lets take a look
gilanor games run once. not a huge part of game, no massive rewards for it. people play for rewards.
pirvate hunter isn't private. people dont like it.
solonmon store why not just start selling santa hates.
clan avatars lets make everything 3-6% easier. cause you havn't made the game easy enough already, isn't that right? just go ask zezima.
anyway jagex you need to ask the community for ideas on updates before you start them. these making them and suprising people you miss the chance to make some amazing things. jagex currently has around 450-550 employee's am i right? well you have 500 people making things for a game in which most of them dont play nearly as much as some of the players. and when they play the probably have unlimited gp and maxed stats. so you have them deciding what to do for future updates.
heres my tips. people do things in this game for rewards. seers elite for enhanced excal. 99 herblore for overloads. ask the community for advice. 150k people coming up with ideas is a lot better than 500.
so if this sparked any jagex interest. which i doubt it will pm me in game or stop by because i know you can visit players jagex mods have noclip.
\±/Soul Splitin\±/

30-Aug-2012 05:40:34 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 05:49:26 by Oblv Smile

Jul Member 2017


Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, why do you not have feedback BEFORE an update? like a poll for "should this be launched?" you should also announce updates ahead of time, like the removal of free trade and the wildy, a good action towards the game, betrayal to the community. The reason I say this is for the EoC. I'm scared that we will have another repeat of the "Pay2pk" riot once you launch it. I know this is your idea to rebalance the game, but you're becoming a cliche by giving the game a combat system several other games have. I enjoy the fact you're trying to get the combat triangle rebalanced and new abilities for rangers and mages, but I'm afraid it'll ruin a lot of fun things in the game, and cost you millions of dollars in subscriptions as most of the community, stubborn and unwilling to change, are going to quit and cancel subscriptions. Sorry to say it, but from some of the feedback I've seen most of your revenue may end up coming primarily from bots. I won't quit RuneScape, as with all updates it simply takes time getting used to, but most people won't even try to adapt. Jagex, please listen to the community this time, this is a massive update that could cost you a LOT of players and revenue, and I don't want RuneScape to change, I love it the way it is, but I'm willing to adapt. You say you think carefully about each update. Given what I've seen, you'll need to think EXTREMELY carefully this time, and should listen to a lot of feedback from the community BEFORE launching the EoC. Jagex, I'm sorry if you think I'm complaining, I'm not a massive fan of the EoC, but I am willing to change if that's how things are gonna be, I'm trying not to complain but make a reasonable dispute. Well if you read up to here then thanks, hopefully you really care 100% about the community and not about needed revenue, we can provide it so long as you can keep us happy.

30-Aug-2012 05:41:30

Apr Member 2019


Posts: 447 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hi Nabu nice to see your still somehow around :) sadly think this is just a bit of a damage containment exercise. they have just realised that everyone has noticed that the game is rapidly going down the pan and due to lack of content that moves you really forward in the game like the elf lands quests, instead we have random stuff chucked into the game that has no value after a day and stuff that we all worked hard for , like water tiaras are nerfed by ice cream cornets from one of their money spinning misadventures. Add to that the relentless in game nagging advertising for their latest money making scam, the bots and scammers plus the in game bugs and faults that they never get round to fixing and you have got one big mess.
no one is going to buy pixel goodies for a game that they think will kill itself in the near future hence the smooth talking PR exercise. I can not count the times that I have opened the home page in the past six months only to see that they have yet again done something that they promised us a few weeks back that they would never do . Does anyone believe what this guy has to say anymore? I know I don't.

30-Aug-2012 05:45:30

Lucky Penny

Lucky Penny

Posts: 3,264 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hope the players here who are trying to speak to Jagex are really being listened to... Give us at least some indication that you're REALLY listening to the player community, Jagex! Please! Don't make our cries for reform go in vain! >.< ~ A lonely penny, heads up, looked at the sky.
~ "Ooh! A penny! My lucky day!"
~ A lucky penny, sitting comfortably in a warm pocket.
~ A kiss. From penny to person, and from person to penny.

30-Aug-2012 05:45:40

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Jagex, why do you not have feedback BEFORE an update? like a poll for "should this be launched?""
There is no benefit for Jagex to have any such poll. Its so obvious that the vast majority of the playerbase is against SoF and Solomon's, that its too easy to predict how the poll would turn out. If they did this, it would only strengthen our arguement, and seeing as how they want to keep these things in game, why would they do anything to strengthen our arguement?

30-Aug-2012 05:45:41



Posts: 279 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Zss thank you for the heartfelt post. I feel the same way - something I really liked and was part of my family life is being torn up.
At the risk of dating myself, Colossal Cave, the 1st RPG I played, I liked so well I ported it to Algol68 on a B6800 from Fortran on a PDP-11.
Over the years I tried a few different RPGs but none stuck with me until Runescape.
I started playing on behalf of other parents whose kids, like mine, were clamoring to play. Word of mouth on RS at the time was very, very strong. My friends were concerned about their kids though and asked me to vet it to see if it met the criteria they had set.
Turns out, RS was a good fit, especially compared to other games like WoW.
It was reasonably priced, had rules that were sufficiently "fair", actually encouraged decent sportsmanship, had fairly good controls on player misbehavior and had unique content/gameplay.
I noted with particular interest how quickly the kids picked up on economics and the value of working within a community.
As a parent, I especially liked that Jagex didn't promote gambling or hard sell within the game (micro-transactions).
They could simply enjoy the play without an intrusive up-sell.
Only expecting to play a short while, I ended up being hooked, first as a f2p player and then as a longtime member. I found the game relaxing, challenging and the community around it interesting, diverse and fun to talk to.
That, of course, has changed dramatically over the last few years. Of the dozen plus kids who played, all have left for other endeavors. The last few hardcore players left recently.
Between the gambling/micro-transactions push, being "tired of being lied to", an expectation of a failed DOA combat update, Jagex not doing anything about all the bots/scammers/jerks in-game and the flurry of aimless updates, they had it.
Finis RS and on the next thing. Runescape, the game they grew up with, just wasn't any fun anymore.
@Zss, you aren't alone.

30-Aug-2012 05:46:33

Big Bubbler

Big Bubbler

Posts: 186 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems to me like you let yourself become addicted to the bot/g'farmer income. While you were heavily addicted, many of your friends left you as they did not like the changes. Now, instead of learning to live within your means, it seems your trying a new "drug" to try and replace the old one. You do need to fight the Bot/g'farmers effectively. It sounds like you are trying to do that and a lot more. I hope we don't just get the "a lot more" as I liked the game the way it was and, in my opinion, all the new-fangled efforts are of questionable value if you don't beat the bots effectively soon and in the long term.
Also, if you must try to get players to give you more rw cash to support your new vision, please stop nagging us with pop ups to hard-sell your products. I especially hate the ones that push us to become members when we have just logged onto a member world (so we are obviously already members)!

30-Aug-2012 05:47:12



Posts: 7,797 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My thoughts:
Um so your finally admitting that you need microtransactions in runescape :@
Anyways back to the point
Um like 3 years ago there was this idea of "The Jagex Anti-Hijack System" only problem was that people complained about that extra bank space that would be given with "THe Jagex Anti-Hijack System"
Maybe we may see it again

I personally hate solomon all together because now it is IMPOSSIBLE to obtain all emotes with doing microtransactions
Um I honestly do not care about the squeal the much since I stopped caring about the newly added items each week
Just a word or warning... Eventually the people with big pockets and buy spins may just realize that there are waaayyy too many limited addition squeal exclusive items and they may just give up on their goal

Fun seeing how the community and jagex's attitude on microtransactions have changed
3 years ago the idea of buying/obtaining extra bank space through some sort of paying effort would be unheard of... now solomon sells extra bank space or you can obtain it through loyalty points O_o
If my post gets hidden I would like a response please

30-Aug-2012 05:50:46

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