@Zss thank you for the heartfelt post. I feel the same way - something I really liked and was part of my family life is being torn up.
At the risk of dating myself, Colossal Cave, the 1st RPG I played, I liked so well I ported it to Algol68 on a B6800 from Fortran on a PDP-11.
Over the years I tried a few different RPGs but none stuck with me until Runescape.
I started playing on behalf of other parents whose kids, like mine, were clamoring to play. Word of mouth on RS at the time was very, very strong. My friends were concerned about their kids though and asked me to vet it to see if it met the criteria they had set.
Turns out, RS was a good fit, especially compared to other games like WoW.
It was reasonably priced, had rules that were sufficiently "fair", actually encouraged decent sportsmanship, had fairly good controls on player misbehavior and had unique content/gameplay.
I noted with particular interest how quickly the kids picked up on economics and the value of working within a community.
As a parent, I especially liked that Jagex didn't promote gambling or hard sell within the game (micro-transactions).
They could simply enjoy the play without an intrusive up-sell.
Only expecting to play a short while, I ended up being hooked, first as a f2p player and then as a longtime member. I found the game relaxing, challenging and the community around it interesting, diverse and fun to talk to.
That, of course, has changed dramatically over the last few years. Of the dozen plus kids who played, all have left for other endeavors. The last few hardcore players left recently.
Between the gambling/micro-transactions push, being "tired of being lied to", an expectation of a failed DOA combat update, Jagex not doing anything about all the bots/scammers/jerks in-game and the flurry of aimless updates, they had it.
Finis RS and on the next thing. Runescape, the game they grew up with, just wasn't any fun anymore.
@Zss, you aren't alone.
30-Aug-2012 05:46:33